Fitness Components BTEC Unit 1
General Fitness This is the ability of your body to carry out everyday activities without excessive tiredness and still have enough energy to cope with emergencies
FITNESS Total fitness – social, spiritual and physical wellbeing. Physical fitness – health related tested to set scores. Skill related – ability to perform an activity, task or sport (motor fitness).
COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS… Aerobic endurance Muscular Endurance Flexibility Speed Strength Body composition
AEROBIC ENDURANCE Aerobic endurance – the ability of the cardiovascular system to supply working muscles with oxygen to maintain exercise for a long period of time.
MUSCULAR ENDURANCE Muscular Endurance – ability to maintain high level of muscle contractions repeatedly.
FLEXIBILITY Flexibility – ability of a specific joint to move through a full range of movement (full extent of movement).
SPEED Speed – ability to cover a specific distance in the shortest possible time.
STRENGTH Strength – ability of a specific muscle or muscle group to exert a force in a single maximal contraction to overcome a form of resistance. Static The strength you need to push or pull a heavy object, or hold up a heavy weight. Dynamic This is the strength needed to move a heavy load. Explosive This is the strength you need for a single explosive act.
BODY COMPOSITION Body composition – percentage of fat-free mass compared to fat within the body (Somatotype).
Skill-Related Fitness This is the ability of the body to carry out tasks effectively and efficiently. It usually requires some sort of learning.
COMPONENTS OF SKILL-RELATED FITNESS Agility Balance Co-ordination Power Reaction time
POWER Power – ability to generate and use muscular strength quickly over a short period of time.
Agility This is the ability to change the position of the body quickly whilst keeping control of it.
Balance Balance is the ability to retain the centre of mass above the base of support. Maintaining equilibrium when moving or still. Static This is a still balance. Examples are handstand or headstand. The smaller the base the more difficult the balance. Dynamic balances are moving balances. Examples are gym sequences on the beam.
Power This is the ability to do strength performances quickly. Power = strength + speed.
Co-ordination This is the ability to move two or more body parts smoothly and accurately.
Reaction Time This is the time taken to respond to a stimulus. A stimulus is something that causes us to act in some way. E.g. The gun at the start of the 100m. The quicker we can move in response to a stimulus, the quicker our reactions are.
Champs points task! Look at each of the 9 slides What is the main component of physical and skill related fitness. Use the most obvious, although there may be more than one.