The Health Roundtable Planned Patient Arrival Update Presenter: Rochelle Condon Austin Hospital Innovation Poster Session HRT1215 – Innovation Awards Sydney 11 th and 12 th Oct
The Health Roundtable KEY PROBLEM Bed Access Block Growth in activity Cubicle availability ↑ Time to treatment for ED patients ↑ Time to inpatient bed availability ↑ Elective surgery cancellation rate Ambulance offload time Ambulance diversion/ Bypass requirement Demand and supply of inpatient beds = mismatch National COAG 4 hour Target Redesign funding 2
The Health Roundtable AIM OF THIS INNOVATION Continuous Improvement Reduce Access-Block & Improve Patient Flow Decrease in Bypass Shorter ED stay Earlier discharge time across organisation (by 9am -Base: 2.8% / Expected: 25%) “Emptying of ED” every morning……. Improving patient flow and NEAT performance Aim 9am 3
The Health Roundtable BASELINE DATA Data pre-March 2011 PPA start 4
The Health Roundtable KEY CHANGES IMPLEMENTED Organisation wide Planned Patient Arrival; Primary: Admission of 1 patient at 0900hrs for every ward Emergency department patient Intensive Care patient Intercampus transfer Secondary: Discharge of 1 patient to accommodate PPA Innovation…….. Each ward performing different strategies Support resources aligned; Transit lounge Operational hours Selection criteria Subacute transfers PPA start GAPGAP 5
The Health Roundtable KEY CHANGES IMPLEMENTED Standardisation of process Existing Redesign tools utilisation of the ‘Patient at a Glace Board’ to identify 9am discharge. Measurement of performance Pt discharge planning- visual Management Spread - Ward tool kits developed PPA-Process flow charts Communication & education Staff empowerment Cordless Phones for ANUM’s Standardised expectations Handover Standardised language and expectations for Flow Management 6
The Health Roundtable OUTCOMES SO FAR Before After 7
The Health Roundtable OUTCOMES SO FAR 8
The Health Roundtable LESSONS LEARNT Standardise processes find bright spots and publicise Planned patient arrival not departure- more work needed Strategic Alignment performance matters every day Highlight the benefits to stakeholders ↑ Safety- pts in the right place quicker ↑ Quality- pts receiving treatment in wards quicker Improved Delivery – services such as ambulances are freed up for others 9