E-learning and simultaneous remote connections Eija Kalliala Homepage:
Outline Background New possibilities Tietie experiences of videoconferences Audioconferences Instant messages Advantages and disadvantages
Background 1/2 Tietie cooperation since 1995 –Information Technology Education Using Information Technology – –14 polytechnics in Finland –Goal: to free learning from the constraints of time and space –198 implemented courses –Over 2300 completed courses
Background 2/2 Finnish Virtual Polytechnic since 2001 –All 31 Finnish polytechnics –Portal: –E-learning courses and student enrollments E-student office –Developing e-learning materials together Content developing rings and E-development environment
Communication Meetings Phone Fax Mail (Snail Mail) Groupwork areas Learning platforms Videoconferences Audioconferences Instant messages Chat
Challenges How to minimize travelling? How to achieve confidence? How to achieve common comprehension?
Technical visions VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) 4G (Fourth Generation Mobile Technology) WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Digital TV Security??
Rich e-learning experience with visible teacher and students New possibilities of simultaneous remote connections –Talking, not only writing Tone of voice Intonation Emphasis –Seeing each other Gestures, movements Smile
When Tietie started … ISDN based multinode videoconferences since videoconferences during one course First meeting and orientation Traditional lectures, discussions, questions, answers and feedback Expert lectures Final meeting and feedback
What students said (1/2) I realized that I’m not alone in the net! The technology is working – unbelievable! Technical problems took too much attention. I don’t like to say my opinion when the whole of Finland is listening. Students thought what they were saying and needless conversation were absent.
What students said (2/2) Interactivity is important (not boring lectures). I can talk to the person seen in the screen despite of the poor picture quality. I learn abilities I need in the working life. The team spirit could be fantastic in the videoconference studio!
Some suggestions to the videoconference Lighting is important Speak slowly and clearly! Do not move too fast! Make the fonts of your slides big enough! Remember interactivity! Prepare yourself beforehand! Avoid too striking clothes!
Audioconference Do we need the talking head? Could the voice and common working area be enough? Could we manage with technical equipment we already have? –Phone –Computer
Examples Teaching user interfaces –The teacher calls the student and they discuss of the features of the user interface. Developing a common document Decision-making Teaching to use some software Teaching e-mentors Groupwork
Chat Writing Young people use it and like it Existing technology is usually sufficient Do not need microphone or loudspeakers You can record it easily Examples –The teachers consulting hours –The student teams’ collaboration
Text messages Not always simultaneous –Delay sometimes abroad –Receiver’s mobile phone is off or muted Usually quicker than Examples –Teacher / student got ill –Today we have an interesting lecture
Disadvantages Simultaneous – not free from time constraints. Technical requirements –Phone –Software and connection –Microphone and loudspeakers –Videoconference equipment with a bridge
Advantages Liveliness Presence Immediate feedback Talking is easier and quicker than writing. Talking is the natural way to communicate. Feeling of contact teaching inspite of the distance. Cost saving (travelling costs and time).