Proposed participation of the MODIS Aerosol team and Si-Chee in the Dry/wet AMC + SMOCC campaign in Amazonia August-November 2002 (There are question marks at the most uncertain components) Full sky cameras for cloud coverage from the ground (we can Study the feasibility of integrating it on the aircraft for cloud, aerosol, fire, and surfaces studies – this would be a good opportunity for fire validation) Portable Microtops Sunphotometers from 380 to 2100nm Absorption Reflectometer (between USP and MODIS team) Extinction Cell (?) (USP/MODIS - still in development but may be ready by the Experiment) – provide spectral absorption coefficient ASD spectrometer (350 to 2500nm for in situ and sun/sky radiance from ground) MODIS Aerosol and Fire quick response (?): If possible, we would generate quicker products (15 hours?) after the overpass Si-Chee’s SMART network (???) – basically a container including several broadband radiation fluxes from UV to IR, shadowband radiometer, 14 wavelength sunphotometer, Aeri interferometer (temperature and water vapor profile), total column water vapor and liquid water by microwave, full sky camera.
Main AEROSOL products from MODIS over land Aerosol Products: optical depth at 0.47 and 0.67 m – 10 km final resolution (cloud screened and average reflectances from 500m data) Reflectances at TOA 500m resolution at 0.47, 0.55, 0.67, 0.87, 1.24, 1.64, and 2.13 m. Experimental products to be tested during the campaign: o at 0.47 and 0.67 m; in some cases o at most the reflectance wavelengths above.
We can try to get quick response from MODIS during the SMOCC campaign: Quick response would provide us the processed data products by next day after the overpass Selecting an area for the experiment (lets say 300x300 km – more??? Coordinates???) would allow for quicker data analysis over the experiment area If quick response works we can produce true color and data product images (definitively RGB images and aerosol AOT; may be fire products and cloud fraction)