LET’S MOVE Carvelle Jean-Philippe Audience: Kids 5-12
Stay Active! O At least 60 minutes a day of moderate and vigorous activities. O Moderate activities make your heart beat faster and your breathing become quicker. O Vigorous activity makes you ‘huff and puff’.
Moderate Activities O Walking fast O Bike riding O Skateboarding O Playing on park equipment O Dancing
Vigorous Activities O Organized sports O Running/chasing friends O Swimming laps O Star jumps O Skipping
Stay Safe! O You need plenty of fluids when you’re playing sport or being active, especially if it’s hot and humid. Make sure you have a drink before you start, as well as plenty of water while you’re playing.
Stay Safe cont. O Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide! Always wear sunscreen, sun glasses, clothing and a hat to protect yourself from the sun. Play in the shade when you can.
Stay Safe cont. O And make sure you wear the right protective equipment – such as a bike helmet, knee or shin pads – to stay safe and avoid injuries
Why be active? O To help your body grow properly, giving you strong bones, muscles, lungs and heart. O To have good flexibility, balance and coordination, so you can move well. O To meet up with your friends and make new ones.
Why be active cont. O To learn how to run, throw, jump, catch and kick. O To improve your fitness. O To help you stay healthy and not get sick. O To feel happy and full of energy. O To help you keep at a healthy weight.
Why be active cont. O To help you feel relaxed and confident. O To help you sleep better. O To improve your posture. O To learn new skills and challenge yourself. O To have fun!
Effects of too much screen time O Your posture can get worse. O You can go blind. O You can strain your wrist, thumb and elbow.
Effects of too much screen time cont. O You can have problems with your sleep. O You might have trouble making friends. O Your body can store more energy than it uses.
Drink water! O The recommended daily amount of fluids is: O 5 glasses (1 liter) for 5 to 8 year olds O 7 glasses (1.5 liters) for 9 to 12 year olds
Quiz O Question 1 O At least how long should you be active a day? At least 60 minutes
Quiz O Question 2 O How can you tell the difference between a moderate and a vigorous activity? Moderate activities make your heart beat faster and your breathing become quicker. Vigorous activity makes you ‘huff and puff’.
Quiz O Question 3 O Why should you be active? Give at least three reasons. 1.To help your body grow properly, giving you strong bones, muscles, lungs and heart. 2.To help you stay healthy and not get sick. 3.To have fun!
Quiz O Question 4 O You can go blind if you have too much screen time. True or false? True
Quiz O Question 5 O How much water should a 7 year old drink? 5 glasses (1 liter)
Reference O For more information for kids health, click here. K_Home