The 20 th Century (1900s) really began in the late 1800s with the advent of European immigrants, Industrial Revolution and technology that came with it.
As we continue with our journey through time in America’s history, it’s still 1870 – It’s the time of Industrial Revolution, The Westward Movement, and the Great Immigration Movement. Many immigrants from Europe, came to America by way of the New York Harbor, Statue of Liberty and __________ Island. B. Charles A. Gilligan’s C. Toenail D. Ellis Ellis
was famous for the Industrial Revolution and an Era of Great Inventors This was a time of factories and mass production. Steel was made quicker which meant larger buildings and bridges. It was also a time when the airplane, car, camera, and radio first came into use. Children ____________ as young as ten worked a 12 hour day during this time
Along with the movement west and immigration rush, this time period was famous for the Industrial Revolution and an Era of Great Inventors This was a time of factories and mass production. Steel was made quicker which meant larger buildings and bridges. It was also a time when the airplane, car, camera, and radio first came into use. The Wright Brothers Airplane Thomas Edison Electric Light And Phonograph Marconi’s Radio Alexander Graham Bell Telephone Henry Ford Model T Kinetoscope
War, Prosperity and ____________ Woody Guthrie, the dust bowl balladeer World War I enlistment poster Personalities of the 1920s Early 1900s in America After World War I ended, the United States enjoyed the 1920s. That was a time of excitement as the U.S. enjoyed radio, movies & sports. Women gained the right to vote. However, it all came to a sudden stop when the stock market crashed, in 1929, starting the Great Depression. Depression
lasted from Although it began in Europe, in 1914, the _______________did not become involved until World War I United States A. Civil War B. France C. United States D. World War I
The New _____ World War II and Post War _____ A. Roosevelt B. Bang C. Boom D. Deal Franklin D. ___________ was elected president in His New Deal put people back to work building tunnels, dams, bridges and roads. 1930s Deal Boom Roosevelt
The Great Depression 1930s Radio Days Building America’s Cities The Dust Bowl
Concentration Camp Yalta Rosie the Riveter Pearl Harbor World War II Hiroshima
Once World War II ended, America went through a period of change. On the surface it seemed pleasant enough. Rosa Parks Life in the Suburbs The Television Age The 1950s Enjoying Post War Prosperity! Hula-Hoop Drive-In Diner Bring your roller skates!
1950s 33. The Civil Rights movement began to grow during the 1950s and throughout the 1960s. Rosa Parks became famous for refusing to give up her ________ to a white man on the bus in s Mickey Mouse Club Chuck Berry Elvis Presley Birth of Rock-N-Roll Willie Mays Integration of Baseball Jackie Robinson Mickey Mantle Joe DiMaggio Ted Williams Drive-In Movies Marilyn Monroe
1950s Enjoyed Science Fiction Movies
Freedom Riders Celebrating the Equal Rights Amendment The Making of a President A young Muhammad Ali 1960s Television
The Peace Movement Vietnam Conflict Musical RevolutionFootball Scores a Touchdown Neil Armstrong Walked on the Moon! s A Decade of Conflict and Change
International Space Station Gets started in 1998 America’s Space Program, 1950 s – Now! 1965 An Early walk in Space Columbia Blasts Off! 1977 Voyager blasts off to Jupiter! 1980s The Shuttle Program Takes Off! Since 2000, robots like Curiosity shown in this slide, have been exploring Mars.
1960 – 1990 The Information Age The Space Race A Time of Cold War Fear A Time of Demanding Rights For All And Environmental Concerns Anti- Nuke Move ment Environmental Movement Civil Rights Movement Feminist Movement
Building a wall in Berlin, 1961 Tearing down the Berlin Wall, 1989 West Berlin East Berlin 1962 Video Games Black Pride 1970s January 1973 Cease Fire in Vietnam Conflict A President Resigns, August, 1974
1970s 1980s Skylab, America’s First Space Station Apollo 13 First Generation of Personal Computer Music Videos Gas Shortages s
T errorism Overshadows The Information Age September 11, 2001 The USS Cole October, 2000 Former President Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama President George Bush at Ground Zero A young Bill Clinton Meets President John F. Kennedy
What number, please? The many ways to communicate!
Nearly 200 years have passed since Joseph Nicéphore Niépce used his “Camera Obscura” contraption to capture the world’s first photograph. This first image needed the shutter open for 8 hours—only to have the image fade shortly after Cameras Up through the 1950s