Psychology 485 September 28, 2010
Introduction & History Three major questions: What is learned? Why learn through classical conditioning? How does learning happen?
Often contrasted to more cognitive approaches Watson & Little Albert A premise: Study of simple learning processes will “scale up” to complex cognition
Pavlovian (Classical) conditioning Physiologist Digestion Dogs Conditional redirection of reflexes Conditional reflexes
TIME Conditional Stimulus on off Unconditional Stimulus on off Unconditional Response (after enough pairings) Conditional Response
“The originally neutral stimulus, through repeated pairings with the unconditioned one, acquires the response originally given to the unconditioned stimulus” Intro Psych textbook from 1987 What is wrong with this definition?
Taste aversion Idea of contiguity Temporal similarity between presentation of CS and US i.e. CS and US are presented at the same time Contiguity is neither sufficient nor necessary
GroupInitial Training Second Training TestOutcome Control Group NothingTone + Light Food Light ?Moderate response to Light Blocking Group Tone FoodTone + Light Food Light ?Little response to Light During second training, tone & food are contiguous Contiguity not sufficient
Which CS would condition more easily? Contiguity is the same CS2: US is contingent (dependent) on CS Contingency, not contiguity CS1 CS2
No contiguity between CS and US CS signals absence of US Conditioned inhibitor Contiguity is not necessary for conditioning CS1
“The originally neutral stimulus, through repeated pairings with the unconditioned one, acquires the response originally given to the unconditioned stimulus” Intro Psych textbook from 1987
CERs (Conditioned Emotional Response) Pair tone with shock When rat is shocked, it jumps and increases activity What tone is presented, rat freezes Drug tolerance CSs for drug use cause body to prepare for drug Body prepares in opposite direction of drug
Context Hierarchical structure Second-order conditioning Occasion-setting Expectancies
What type of association is formed? Stimulus-Stimulus Stimulus-Response US CS Response
So, how do you get rid of a response that is hard wired to a stimulus? How can you get rid of a reflex? Habituation
Less suppression in Habituation group (In other words, more responding) Therefore, the connection MUST be S – SGroup Phase 1 Phase 2 TestHabituation L N (startle) Noise (habituate) Light Control L N (startle) NothingLight
NoiseStartle Light
Expectancies CS helps you predict occurrence of US Makes animal more able to react to US Biological relevance Not all CSs are created equal e.g. ‘bright-noisy’ water vs novel-tasting water Hard to condition visual/auditory stimuli to nausea
Blue Gourami Territory is defended more aggressively when competitor is signaled Winners become winners Losers stay losers
Japanese Quail Signalling opportunity for reproduction Increases effectiveness of copulation (quicker and more ejaculate) Increases likelihood of fertilization
Ant Lions Signal food presentation for larvae Build better pits Extract food more effectively Moult more quickly (quicker to reproduce)
Baldwin effect If there is a reliable predictor of some important event across generations: Learning faster is better Learning becomes instinct? e.g. New predator in environment Some behaviour makes it difficult for predator to kill prey Learning behaviour provides survival advantage Selection: ability to learn improves Eventually behaviour becomes instinct
Computational model of conditioning Widely cited and used Most important paper in animal learning? Learning as a violation of expectations
Error Calculation
On every trial: 1. Look around and examine all your stimuli 2. Use them to predict what will happen (V ∑ ) 3. Get a reward/US. How good/big was it? ( λ ) 4. How wrong was your prediction? ( λ - V ∑ ) 5. Take a portion of that error ( α and β ) 6. Change your prediction for next time ( Δ V)
And Voila! You have a learning algorithm. Δ V = αβ ( λ - V ∑ ) λ = the maximum conditioning possible α = saliency of the CS (between 0 and 1) β = saliency of the US (between 0 and 1) V X = associative (predictive) strength of a given stimulus Δ V X = change in the associative strength of a given stimulus V ∑ = total associative strength of all stimuli
Equation describes a change in expectancies Change in expectancy is based on: Features of the CS and US Total possible learning, minus what you’ve already learned Based on expectation of US
Does not account for many Classical Conditioning findings: Spontaneous recovery Savings CS pre-exposure (latent inhibition) Higher-order conditioning Trial-by-trial based account Does not account for timing
CS processing theories suggest properties of CS affect learning Attentional theories: it’s adaptive to pay attention to CSs that may signal important events Also adaptive to not pay attention to CSs that are not likely to signal important events Pearce-Hall model Attention to CS changes across trials α can change from trial to trial