Introduction to the disruption JET/MST program E. Joffrin & P. Martin Presented by P. Martin
Consequences of disruptions Heat loads –When thermal energy is lost from the plasma (thermal quench) and during the current quench phase, as the magnetic energy is converted to heat energy Electromagnetic loads (induced and halo currents) –Current will take the path of least resistance when plasma intercept material surface during VDE Runaway electrons Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 2 JET
Disruption are a very serious issue Max electromagnetic forces expected in ITER order of tens of MN For comparison a couple of weight forces: o AIRBUS MN o Medium size ship 50 MN Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 3
Disruption are a very serious issue In ITER disruption local thermal loads in the worst cases significantly exceed (~10 times) melting threshold of divertor targets and FW panels Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 4
Disruptions and runaways high priority for ITER Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 5
Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 6 Disruption category in ITER
M. Lehnen, 17 th meeting of the ITPA-CC, December 2014 © 2014, ITER Organization Page 7 IDM UID: Q8TSWP When do we need the DMS? Lehnen et al., doi: /j.jnucmat Required from early operation on (heat loads) High current operation requires high mitigation success rate (EM loads) High efficiency needed at high energies Runaway generation during non-active phase not expected for unmitigated disruptions (no impurity influx)
Actions against disruptions Avoidance Drive safely….. Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 8
Actions against disruptions Avoidance Drive safely For fusion not….. always an option Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 9 N =1 2/1 NTMs Tearing Snakes Fishbones Sawteeth NN q min no wall limit with wall limit Hybrid scenarios Advanced scenarios Baseline scenarios
Actions against disruptions Avoidance Drive safely … or.. Active control Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 10
Actions against disruptions Avoidance Prediction Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 11
Actions against disruptions Avoidance Prediction Mitigation Thanks to F. Felici for the car analogy Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 12
Disruption avoidance Stabilization of MHD modes through EC localized injection on resonant surface To be combined with termination strategy Esposito, Maraschek, MST review meeting (2014) Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 13
Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 14 Prediction
Single signal: JET Locked mode amplitude Locked mode amplitude normalized to the total current Product of the two top and lower flux measurement Product of the two top and lower flux measurement normalized by the total current squared. Vertical stabilization amplifier trip signal Current derivative. AUG Locked mode amplitude Piero Martin| 2015 GPM | Lausanne | | Page 15
Predictions Statistical tools Neural networks APODIS (classify whether a pulse state is disruptive or non- disruptive and does this through the entire duration of the pulse) Need training! Physics based model needed Piero Martin| 2015 GPM | Lausanne | | Page 16
Mitigation: Massive Gas Injection Injecting large amount of noble gas at high pressure using fast opening valves. Can potentially mitigate: o Heat loads o Electromagnetic loads o Runaways electrons Name of presenter | Conference | Venue | Date | Page 17 Hender, Active Control of MHD instabilities in Hot Plasmas, Springer (2015) AUG
Massive Gas Injection Reduction of heat loads by increasing radiated power fraction Issue of radiation asymmetry: need for careful measurements to assess efficiency Olynek et al., Workshop on Theory and Simulation of Disruptions PPPL (2013) C-mod Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 18
Massive Gas Injection Reduction of e.m. loads by reducing halo currents, since current decay is quicker But, if too rapid, eddy currents to high! Lehnen, MST GPM 2013 Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 19
Massive Gas Injection Reduction of heat loads by increasing radiated power fraction Reduction of e.m. loads by reducing halo currents, since current decay is quicker Effect on runaway under investigation Pautasso, Papp – MST review (2014) AUG Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 20
JET does not see RE mitigation with MGI Piero Martin| 2015 GPM | Lausanne | | Page 21 JET: no effect on current*, density and HXR (injection location far from RE beam) *delayed decay in current also without 2 nd injection C. Reux, IAEA 2014
MGI and RE generation Reux, 21 th PSI Conf., 2014 JET Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 22
MGI efficiency in “ill” plasmas Piero Martin| 2015 GPM | Lausanne | | Page 23 Pre-existing tearing modes decrease pre-TQ duration This reduces fuelling and mitigation efficiency Pautasso, EPS 2013 AUG
MDC-1 (ITPA joint experiment on MGI) Open questions 1.Test feasibility and efficiency of MGI during current quench 2.Asses injection location with respect to TQ radiation efficiency 3.Can TQ radiation 90% radiation efficiency be confirmed? 4.Injection into disruptive plasmas 5.Assess critical impurity density for RE suppression Piero Martin| 2015 GPM | Lausanne | | Page 24
Runaway losses and magnetic stochasticity Name of presenter | Conference | Venue | Date | Page 25 Izzo IAEA FEC 2010 Nimrod
Runaway losses and magnetic stochasticity Enhanced losses with externally applied magnetic perturbation Piero Martin| 2015 GPM | Lausanne | | Page 26 DIII-D TEXTOR RFX tok ITER Papp PPCF 2012 Lehnen PRL 2008 Hollmann PoP 2010 Gobbin ITPA 2014
MGI system in JET In disruptions mitigation valves o DMV1 installed in 2008 upper vertical port of Octant 1 o DMV2 installed in 2013 horizontal port of octant 3 o DMV3 to be installed in 2015 upper vertical port of octant 5 DMV1:4.6m away from plasma separatrix not DT compatible. DMV2 & DMV3: 3.0 and 2.4m from plasma separatrix DT compatible Name of presenter | Conference | Venue | Date | Page 27
JET disruption diagnostics Vertical and horizontal bolometry camera (KB5V (octant 3) and KB5H (octant 6)) are located next to DMV2 and DMV3 respectively. Old bolometry camera (KB1) diagnostics located vertically in Octant 2, 3, 6 and 7 useful to characterize radiation asymmetries. Available for operations in Fast camera installed in oct 8 has a direct line of sight to the DMV1 gas entry tube –can provide relatively localized information on the DMV2 behavior although not directly in the line of sight. Piero Martin| 2015 GPM | Lausanne | | Page 28
MGI system in AUG Piero Martin | GPM 2015 | Lausanne | | Page 29
AUG disruption diagnostic and mitigation systems Piero Martin| 2015 GPM | Lausanne | | Page 30
TCV disruption diagnostic and mitigation systems Fast mitigation valve available Diagnostics a complete set of fast poloidal and toroidal magnetic probe arrays One infrared camera with one or two more to be added shortly (MST2 project), which could be used for runaway electron detection. a hard X-ray tomographic spectrometer composed of 3 (soon to be 4) 24-detector cameras with 7 keV resolution in the keV range a runaway (gamma-ray) detector a fast visible camera Piero Martin| 2015 GPM | Lausanne | | Page 31