 Abstract  Introduction  Objectives  Advantages and Disadvantages  E-administration in Europe  E-administration in Poland  E-administration in.


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Presentation transcript:

 Abstract  Introduction  Objectives  Advantages and Disadvantages  E-administration in Europe  E-administration in Poland  E-administration in Romania  Conclusions  Bibliography

E-Administration [1], or electronic administration refers to any of a number of mechanisms which convert what in a traditional office are paper processes into electronic processes, with the goal being to create a paperless office. This is an ICT tool, with the goal being to improve productivity and performance. [1]The term e-administration refers to the method of automating key administrative functions using electronic and computer-based technologies.

It’s objective is to introduce total transparency and accountability leading to better e-Governance with in any organization. In Germany, this initiative is especially targeted at government organizations, where public accountability is of special concern. Similar processes are being developed in many American corporations.

The implementation of any e-administration solution should be customer centric rather than organization centric, should remove dependence on specific individuals, and should introduce transparent systems of working.

Electronic administration offers important advantages, both for citizens and for the administration itself. For citizens:  24-hour access to public services, seven days a week.  Straightforward, quick procedures.  No need to physically visit the administration.

For the public administrations:  Improvement of the services, and therefore of the image of the administration.  Improved internal efficiency.  Integration of different channels for provision of services.  Promotion of generalised use of new technologies.

 people with special needs can’t use e-administration  use less human resources  vulnerability at cyber attaks  the software requiring an updates from time to time  reduce communication betwen people

e–G OVERNMENT  eGovernment: the use of information and communication technologies in the public sector.  E-government drives the New Public Management (NPM) which adopts private sector techniques.  Nevertheless, as a refinement of NPM, Digital Era Governance (DEG) offers future public management which involves flexible principles, i.e. reintegration, holism and digitalization (Dunleavy et al 2006).  The main aim is to enhance better public management.

[2]. We found this diagram to this adress:

 e-Administration is a part of e-Government which handles internal administration within government instead of external users such as citizens and businesses. [3]. We found this diagram to this adress:

Definitions:  European Commission (2007b) defines e- administration as an application using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to support back-office administrative tasks.  Sánchez (2006) point out that e-administration is the use of communication technology to support information flow either in or outside the public authority.  Heeks (2010) describes that e-Administration covers G2G relation to improve administrative processes in hierarchical organisation.

 In autonomy era, decentralisation divides government into two level organisations, i.e. central and local government (Bache and Flinders, 2005). Each level has different authorities. Nevertheless, they are interconnected (House of Commons 2009). They have strong coordination to deliver national development goals.

Drivers of Change:  economic factors cost savings, increase efficiency of work processes, the overall benefit and cost impact can be measured not only from government side, but also by user side, such as better service quality and savings of user time.  organisational issue organisational cost reduction, it cuts bureaucratic within government by breaking down organisational boundaries (Fang 2002), modern bureaucracy (Dunleavy et al, 2006), streamline processes, reduce duplication and inconsistencies.

 political driver for example, it stimulates implementation of health management in Ecuador (Salazar, 2001). Despite focus on central operation, the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador also enforced local level by central diktat.  technological driver electronic networks allow cross-matching and integration of data in different places and different departments. They also enable flexibility and connectivity to acquire much more autonomy which can be break down as e-Organisations or e-Agencies (Fang 2002).

ICTs and Public Processes Automating Processes: ICTs Replace  Processes that are Cheaper  Processes that do More  Processes that are Quicker Optimising Processes: ICTs Support  Processes that are Better Reengineering Processes: ICTs Innovate  New Processes

e-Fez in Morocco: provide citizen certificates Replace  Cheaper : saving transportation cost, less pay  More : 80–1500/day to 100–2000/day  Quicker : ±48 hours to 6 hours Support  Better: increasing quality improvement of certificate delivery from poor (58%) to excellent (83%). Innovate  New: capability to predict the service delivery

The concept of Electronic Administration (E-administration) provides citizens and businesses with access to a wide array of public services through Internet. Such practices are becoming more and more common in many EU countries.

Electronic administration (e-administration, e- government) according to the definition of the Committee of the European Union is understood as using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in public administration in a close conjunction with organizational alterations and new skills of public service, which lead to the improvement of the services provided by the administration and reinforce the process of democratization.

In the case of Poland we should take the year 2000 as the beginning of E-Government. At that time the Committee of Scientific Research on the basis of seven expert opinions produced a document which was published under collective title "The Society of Global Information in the Circumstances of Poland Joining the European Union".

 The next step in the development of E- Government was the production of the document "ePoland" that contained the plan of actions for the development of the information-based society in Poland for the period of , the pattern for which has been the European development plan "eEurope2002".

In Romania, ITC represents one of the modern instruments that may help implementing democracy and developing current public services as well as educational systems. Fully aware of the need for a revolution in the organizational culture of public administration and of a transition towards a horizontal, service-oriented administration with intensive information exchange among all its partners, Romania has adopted the European vision on e-government and e-governance, preparing itself for a complete transformation that the new technologies both produce and allow.

In this context, 'The Government’s Strategy concerning the National Action Plan e- administration', enacted in October 2001 by the Romanian Parliament supports the European idea of getting the governance closer to its citizens. As this vision is described within the paper, the authors will analyze the Romanian solutions to increasing administrative efficiency.

 The on-line administration, the e-governance, becomes a reality in (some) developed countries, but also even in developing ones (emerging markets) can be noticed efforts targeting the same final objective.  This report does not deal with the general topic of the development of the Information Society, but exclusively with those aspects, summed up in the term Administration‚ that refer to the use of modem ICT in the modernization of Romanian administration, which comprise the following classes of action:

 Computerization designed to enhance operational efficiency within central and local public administration organisms;  Computerization of services to citizens and firms, often implying integration among the services of central and local public administration  Provision of ICT access to final users of central public administration services and information.

The vision of the Administration that it’s offer to the nation, can be summarized in the following ideas:  citizens can access the information they need more easily  when requesting a service, citizens need only the ID card the rest of the informatiion being stoked in a database  citizens can request specialized information without knowing the whole structure of the state

In doing so, the most relevant scientific contributions to defining the 'e-administration' concept are to be summarized and implications of its content, exercised against a Romanian background

 Finally, outsourcing and partnership barriers may be broken by maintaining good relationship either within internal government or between government and other third parties.  The most important lesson is that a successful e-administration project needs strong commitment from all stakeholders.

Thank you for attention!

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