Injury Recovery By: Dakota Oeskovic
0 Help athletes get back on their feet after an injury. 0 Make recovery time quicker and safer.
Recumbent Bicycle 0 Recumbent bikes are bikes that have an inclined seat so the riders weight takes up a larger area. Great for rehab. 0 The purpose of this equipment is to help with leg injuries and rotate the leg as much as possible while in a comfortable position. 0 The use of this can be for leg injuries, meniscus surgeries, ACL surgeries and many more. 0 Places to buy: Wal-Mart 0 Price: $139.00
Whirlpool 0 The whirlpool is a tub that is filled with ice and water for athletes to sit in. 0 The purpose of the whirlpool is to ice sore muscles to the extreme that are over trained or inflamed from a workout, injury, or surgery. 0 The use of this machine is by anyone with sore, achy muscles that need a higher treatment than ice. 0 Places to buy: Website- Series-Sports-Whirlpools-110- Gallons- W47643,p_863_918_926_5494.html Series-Sports-Whirlpools-110- Gallons- W47643,p_863_918_926_5494.html 0 Price: $4,496.00
Electronic Stimulation Therapy 0 Electric stim is the use of electrical energy for medical use. 0 The purpose of stim is to improve range of joint movement, strength, motor control, and tissue repair. 0 Electrotherapy is used for relaxation of muscle spasms, muscle rehabilitation, and management of chronic pain. 0 Places to buy: Website- nandm.html nandm.html 0 Price: $599.99
Trampolines / Rebounders 0 Trampolines and rebounders are great ways to rehab all parts of the body. 0 The purpose of them are to work on coordination, balance, and muscle strength. 0 The use of these objects are to throw a small medicine ball against them, usually standing on one foot to work on balance. 0 Places to buy: Website- Rectangular-Rebounder-with-Medicine- Ball-Set- W40185,p_863_918_934_22556.html Rectangular-Rebounder-with-Medicine- Ball-Set- W40185,p_863_918_934_22556.html 0 Price: $572.00
Exercise Bands 0 Exercise bands are a great way to stretch and strengthen any muscle. 0 The purpose of them are to rehab muscles, improve full range of motion, and strengthen. 0 The use of exercise bands can be by anyone, and the different difficulties help for muscle and rehab improvement. 0 Places to buy: Dick’s Sporting Goods 0 Price: $19.99
Conclusion 0 Rehab is very important after an injury or surgery. 0 These equipments and software will help make recovery time much more easier, safer, and quicker. 0 Athletes want to get back on the playing field as soon as possible, so let’s make it happen!
Resources Gallons-W47643,p_863_918_926_5494.html Gallons-W47643,p_863_918_926_5494.html Medicine-Ball-Set-W40185,p_863_918_934_22556.html Medicine-Ball-Set-W40185,p_863_918_934_22556.html