Jody Dickhaut KY-TN State Coordinator / Trainer –ACSDR Louisville 1 st SDA Church 2988 Newburg Road Louisville, KY Faith Based Community Organizations
Brief Overview Chapters 1 & 5 MGT-405 Faith Based Community Organizations
FBCO’s - “ did not augment the government response. Rather, they took the lead, and the government augmented their efforts.” From “Heralding Unheard Voices 2006 p. 15 – USDHS Commissioned Report following Hurricane Katrina How important is it to partner & collaborate with FBCO’s ?
Faith Based Community Organizations How important is it to partner & collaborate with FBCO’s ? During Disaster FBCO’s 1.Provide shelter; 2.Provide food and sustenance; 3.Rebuild structure and homes; 4.Deploy volunteers and 5.Reach out to vulnerable populations.
Faith Based Community Organizations How important is it to partner & collaborate with FBCO’s ? During Disaster FBCO’s Additionally (not listed in report) 1.Provide Case Management 2.Provide Donations Management 3.Support Crisis Care 4.Support Unmet / Functional Needs 5.Work through Long Term Recovery
Faith Based Community Organizations How important is it to partner & collaborate with FBCO’s ? The following demographic shifts in vulnerable populations can be particularly challenging for emergency planning. More than 1.4 M people receive home health care Populations described as “transportation challenged” – those who do not have access to a personal vehicle or are unable to drive. 18% of total US population age 5 + speak a language other than English at home. FBCO’s are the pathways for emergency management personnel to address the complexity of their community and engage community leaders.
Faith Based Community Organizations Four Types of FBCO’s 1.Religious Congregations and Coordinating Bodies 2.Organizations or projects sponsored by congregations 3.Incorporated nonprofit organizations 4.Ecumenical, interfaith organizations
Faith Based Community Organizations How important is it to partner & collaborate with FBCO’s ? Unique Aspects of FBCO’s Service is often thought to Spirit-led. Moral capital moves people
Faith Based Community Organizations Unique Assets of FBCO’s ? Exceptionally Strong Motivation Unity of Purpose Local Focus Speed of Response Independence Standing Capability Excess Capacity Support from Networks Volunteerism
Faith Based Community Organizations Emergency Operation Plans: Where do FBCO’s Assets Fit? The Purpose Statement Situation Overview Operating Assumptions Action Levels
Faith Based Community Organizations Unique Assets of FBCO’s and Emergency Operation Plasn Bridge Building Communications Partnership Formalization
Faith Based Community Organizations Practical Impact of FBCO’s ? FBCOs can be a valuable bridge builder between emergency management and disaster survivors, and underscore the need for partnerships. The success of this partnership depends on one word: Trust!
Coordinatio n Coordination & Interdependencies Jamison Day PhD. Communication Cooperation Collaboration High Low Interdependency Agree on methods Agree on objectives Capacity toward Coordination LowHigh Difficulty Increases
Photo Courtesy of IA/MO ACSDR Joplin 2011 CHCC
Photo Courtesy of IA/MO ACSDR Joplin 2011 CHCC
Photo Courtesy of IA/MO ACSDR Joplin 2011 CHCC
Photo Courtesy of IA/MO ACSDR Joplin 2011 CHCC
Partnerships that made it happen: ACSDR Pioneer Warehouse State of Missouri FEMA City of Joplin Joplin - Area Churches Operation Blessing 100’s of Volunteers
MSSU May 23, 2011 Photo Courtesy of IA/MO ACSDR
Joplin MAW June, 2011
Pioneer Warehouse – Joplin’s Multi-Agency Warehouse – (MAW) New Bench Mark – Donations Management Opened Quicker Opened Quicker Stayed in operation longer Stayed in operation longer Still in operations today in Long Term Still in operations today in Long Term Recovery Recovery
Source and Information Contacts: Mark Gouch – Pioneer Warehouse, Joplin MO Mark Gouch – Pioneer Warehouse, Joplin MO Roy Weeden – MO ACSDR Director / MO VOAD Chair Roy Weeden – MO ACSDR Director / MO VOAD Chair Jay St. Clair & John Giles – College Heights Christian Jay St. Clair & John Giles – College Heights Christian Church, Joplin MO Church, Joplin MO
“Heaven forming each on other to depend, A master or a servant or a friend, Bids each on other for assistance call, Till one man’s weakness grows the strength of all.”
For More Information on MGT-405 Contact your local County Emergency Management Office Faith Based Community Organizations
Jody Dickhaut KY-TN State Coordinator / Trainer –ACSDR Louisville 1 st SDA Church 2988 Newburg Road Louisville, KY Faith Based Community Organizations