Bandwagon You are urged to do or believe something because everyone else does.
Testimonial Famous people endorse a product or idea. Proactive
Emotional Appeal Words or images that appeal to your emotions are used. (may be positive emotions: success/ negative: fear.) Scary movie trailors SPCA commercials
Snob Appeal suggests that you can be like the expensively dressed, perfectly shaped people who use this product. Can you give me an example? Lexus
Word Magic The name of a product is very important. Why Huggies instead of Human Waste Absorbies? Why Aqua Fresh instead of Plaque and Tarter removal paste?
Word Magic Words are also used to make the products advertised seem more exciting…. Bounty Bounty is the "Quicker Picker Upper"- and the competition seems old and dull: Swifer wet jet vs. your old mop
Plain Folks Ordinary people sell a message. You are to believe that because these people are like you, they can be trusted. Old Chevy commercials…. “Like a rock”
Humor Use humor to help you remember the product. Etrade
Flattery Tell you nice compliments that are not true. “You need a break today.”
Bargain/ Trade Offs You will get a better deal if you act now. Cash for Gold- Trade off
Repetition The product name repeated many times.