Simple Scheme of Work and Lesson Plans This resources is an adaption on the fantastic work already done by Ross Morrison McGill in order to follow my schools lesson planning policy (sort of..) The idea is that it makes both the planning of a scheme of work and lesson planning much simpler and less time consuming as well as still allowing teachers to be flexible and react to what is actually happening in the classroom. Unlike Teachertoolkit’s 5 minute lesson plan this resource also has a section which allows for mapping to the key initiatives (a must in my school) which are outlined on this page. I have found that by using this resource it has shortened my planning time considerably, however does not make resource making any easier or quicker! Initiative Mapping Below are the main initiatives that I map each lesson to. Objectives Outcomes Initiatives Literacy Starter Plenary Activities Active learning Independent Learning Group Work Formative Assessment Summative Assessment
Objectives Assessment Format Key Words Homework Format Key Concepts Title: Subject: Year Group: Number of weeks: Number of Lessons: Duration Learning Phases Special Resources Scheme of Work Planner Bullet points What do you want the students to take away from this scheme of work? What is important? Between 5 and 10 words Anything that is specific to this scheme of work and wouldn’t be used elsewhere Formative and Summative Takeaway Homework Project based Learning Past exam questions The structure of your scheme.
Year / Subject: SOW Title: LP Title: A4L12345 SEAL12345 ECM12345 PLTS Starter Activity Ideas Plenary ResourcesHomework Objectives The Hook? Key Concepts Differentiation Learning Phase Plan Lesson Phase Specific What is going to get the students excited about this learning phase What do you want the students to take away from this learning phase? What is important? Between 3 & 6 words How will you differentiate this lesson?