UNIT 3 EVENT You will be split into mixed ability groups to complete this task. It is not possible for you all to do the task together as there would not be enough for you to do on the day of the event. You will produce a folder of no more that 40 sides of work, some examples have been put out for you to look at. Your work must all be the same font and size, but should not be bigger than font 14. If you are looking to get an A or B grade then your font may need to be as small as 11 but no smaller. You will each complete an individual folder of work, although some of the planning section can be shared. As it will be the same for all of you. STUDENT INFORMATION THE MARKS ARE BROKEN DOWN AS FOLLOWS: 25 marks RESEARCHPLANNINGEVALUATION CARRYING OUT THE TASK 15 marks 60 marks 25 marks It is important that you evaluate each piece of work that you complete and that you link it into the next piece of work or say how it will help you when planning or carrying out the task. Your coursework must be complete by Christmas. If you are absent on any days then you will be expected to stay behind after school to catch up. You are only allowed 45 hours in total to complete your work.
WJEC GCSE Hospitality and Catering Unit 3 Name: Centre Name: Centre Number: Candidate Number:
OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM 1. Many charities rely on fund raising events. Research, plan and carry out a fund raising event. E.G. Children in need cake sale Children In Need 2. Celebrations of all kinds are often large events. Research, plan and carry out a celebratory event. E.G Valentine meal for parents and staff. Festive Celebrations 3. Schools and colleges host many events during the year. Research, plan and carry out an event. E.G Pre show meal for staff. School Events The event must cater for a minimum of 10 people.
PLAN OF ACTION Your plan of action has been started for you. It explains what you need to complete each week. It is important that you fill in the work completed and work outstanding columns every week. This information along with how long it has taken you MUST be available for the moderator. 1 MARK 1 mark for a detailed plan of action completed each week. You will not get the full mark for this until the end of the event.
Plan of Action Conclusion:
Task analysis 1 mark On this page you need to include a thought shower showing possible events. You should discuss these in your groups. Think about all the other things you need to think about, look at your plan of action to help you. Possible celebratory events EVENT Things we need to think about. E.G. Health and safety Special diets Possible school events Possible charity events Who? Where? When? 1 mark for a detailed thought shower showing everything you need to think about and a range of possible events.
Task Analysis Conclusion
Task Analysis Conclusion
INTRODUCTION 1 MARK WHAT TO DO · As a group look at the three briefs and decide which one you would like to do. Write the brief at the top of the page. · Explain who is in your group and why the class has been split into smaller groups. · Then explain how you will go about completing the task. · You will have to complete research first, then planning. Explain to the moderator how you are going to complete your research and the planning for the event. · Decide on a date and time of day for the event and include this in your introduction. · Analyse the brief and include definitions of the key words. 1 mark for a detailed introduction explaining who is in your group, why you have been split into smaller groups and how you are going to complete your work.
Introduction Conclusion
WHERE WITH REASONS WHERE THE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE. On this page you need to look at the various areas around school and evaluate their suitability for the event. PHOTOGRAPHS OF VARIOUS AREAS CAN BE FOUND ON: My computer > pupil public > department > hospitality and catering > event info > venue pic’s YOU COULD DRAW A CHART WITH THREE COLUMNS LIKE THE ONE BELOW OR PRESENT IT IN A DIFFERENT WAY. Room The Gym Good Points This is the gym. It is big enough to hold about 50 people, we could put tables and chairs in. It has a fire escape. Bad Points It Smells. It is too far away from the kitchen where we would prepare the food. There is hygiene problem transporting food to the gym from the food room. You must then add a conclusion stating which room you will use for your event and give reasons why. 2 marks (A/B grade ) You will include at least 9 pictures of venues with detailed comments with explanations on the good and bad points. 1 ½ marks (C/D grade.) You will include 6 or 7 pictures all with comments on the good and bad points. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include 4 or 5 pictures with a few comments on the good and bad points. ½ mark (G grade) You will include 3 pictures with one comment on the good and bad points.
Where with reasons
QUESTIONNAIRE OR RESEARCH THINK, COST, TIME, TYPE Think about cost, time of day, type of food, special dietary needs of the target group, remember to ask questions about these and give examples. 02 DON’T FORGET If you are hosting an event for a specific charity e.g. cake sale for Children in Need, you should include information about the charity and state why you have chosen that particular charity. 04 TARGET GROUP If you are completing an event for a particular target group, e.g. parents and staff; you will need to produce a questionnaire to find out if you have enough people who would attend. Remember to use a range of questions not just yes /no answers. 01 AIM / RESULTS Aim to have a minimum of ten questions in your questionnaire. You will then need to ask ten people to complete the questionnaire and analyse your results marks (A/B grade ) You will include at least 10 questions and ask ten people to complete it. You will analyse the results and state how this information will influence your choice of event, 1 ½ marks (C/D grade.) You will include 6 or more questions and will ask at least 6 people to complete it. You will analyse your results and link them to your event. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include 4 or 5 questions with a few comments on the results from your target group. ½ mark (G grade) You will include a questionnaire with analysis.
Questionnaire and Analysis Research. Conclusion
LOOK Look at the range of job roles within the kitchen and food and drink service (restaurant). DESCRIBE Describe the range of job roles you will require to enable you to host your event. REMEMBER Remember you will need to think about enough jobs for each member of your team, some students will have to take on more than one role but you will decide this after you have trialled some of your dishes. CONCLUSION Add a conclusion stating why this information will help you when you are planning your event. JOB ROLES. 2 MARKS 2 marks (A/B grade ) You will include all of the job roles required for your event, you will also include who will take on each role and give reasons for your choice. 1 ½ marks (C/D grade.) You will include most of the job roles required for your event, you will also include who will take on each role with some reasons for choices made. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include a list of job roles for your event OR a list of who will do each job on the day. ½ mark (G grade)You will include a brief list of some of the jobs required on the day. Using the text book pages 8 and 9 or the internet;
Job Roles Conclusion
Job Roles for our Event Conclusion
TEAMWORK 2 MARKS Using the text book pages or the internet; GOOD TEAMWORK PROGRESSTEAM LEADER WORKRESEARCH 03 You may also want to include how you think you are working as a team at the moment and how you think you will work together as you progress through the planning stage and carrying out the event. 04 Remember to add a conclusion to your work. Do you think you are a team leader or team player and why? Could you lead the whole team or just a smaller group? 01 Research teamwork and why it is important when hosting an event. 02 You may also want to include the stages of teamwork, how you can recognise good teamwork and what makes a good team leader. 2 marks (A/B grade ) You will include the stages on teamwork, how you can recognise good teamwork, what makes a team leader and your evaluation of your team. 1 ½ marks (C/D grade.) You will include the stages on teamwork, how you can recognise good teamwork and what makes a team leader. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include the stages on teamwork and how you can recognise good teamwork,. ½ mark (G grade) You will include the stages on teamwork,.
Teamwork Conclusion
SPECIAL DIETS 2 MARKS Using the text book pages 79-81, the internet, or interview someone with a special dietary needs; 2 marks (A/B grade )You will include a wide range of special dietary needs and link it to your event and questionnaire. 1 ½ marks (C/D grade.) You will include a range of special diets and link them to your event. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include limited information on one special diet and link it to your event. ½ mark (G grade) You will include information on one special diet. Research special diets and explain how this will affect the dishes you will choose for your event. Remember to include Vegetarian, vegan, religious and medical diets, Look back at your questionnaire results and state how you will meet the dietary needs of your target group. Add a conclusion stating what you have found out and how it links with your event.
Special Diets Conclusion
Special Diets Conclusion
NUTRITION 2 MARKS Using the text book pages 67-72, the internet, other text books or leaflets ; 2 marks (A/B grade )You will include a wide range of information on nutrients, why we need them and how they link with your event 1 ½ marks (C/D grade.) You will include a range of nutrients and link them to your event. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include limited information on nutrition and link it to your event. ½ mark (G grade) You will include information on some of the nutrients Research Nutrition and healthy eating. Explain the different nutrients and why we need them. Talk about the types of foods you will me making and how they fit into a balanced diet. Explain the nutrients found in some of the dishes you could make. Remember to add a conclusion and explain how this piece of work links with your event and target group.
Nutrition Conclusion
Nutrition Conclusion
PORTION CONTROL 1 MARK Using the text book pages , the internet and by looking at the school equipment; 1 mark You will include information on why portion control is important, how it can be achieved and what you will do when making dishes for your event. ½ mark You will include information on why portion control is important OR how you can ensure accurate portion control, but not link it to your event. Research portion control and why it is important Explain how you will ensure accurate portion control when completing the dishes for your event Explain what equipment you could use to make sure your portions are equal Remember to add a conclusion to your work and link it to your event.
Portion Control Conclusion
TYPES OF MENUS 2 MARKS Using the text book page 138, the internet and samples of menus you have collected: 2 marks (A/B grade)You will include a wide range of information on types of menus, you will analyse three different menus and select the type for your event 1 ½ marks (C/D grade) You will include a range of information on types of menus, you will analyse one menu and select the type for your event. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include limited information on types of menus and link it to your event. ½ mark (G grade) You will include information on some of the types of menus Research the 6 different types of menus and explain the choices available and when/where they are used Select at least three menus to analyse, explain what you like about them and whether they are suitable for your event. Decide on the type of menu you will use for your event. Remember to add a conclusion and explain how this work links with your event.
Types of Menu’s Conclusion
Types of Menu’s Conclusion
CUSTOMER CARE 2 MARKS Using the text book pages and or the internet research customer care. Things you could include are; 2 marks (A/B grade )You will include a wide range of information on customer care, explaining how you will ensure good customer care during your event and produce a customer care feedback form to use for your event. 1 ½ marks (C/D grade) You will include a range of information on customer care, explaining how you will ensure good customer care during your event and produce a customer care feedback form to use for your event. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include limited information on customer care and link it to your event. ½ mark (G grade) You will include little information on customer care OR produce a customer care feedback form How to serve customers correctly Customer service Why we need customer care Standards of customer care Remember to evaluate your work and link it to your event. Measuring good customer care Problem solving Handling complaints Produce a customer care feedback form
Customer Care Conclusion
HYGIENE 3 MARKS Using the text books, your notes and the internet research the following; 3 marks (A grade)You will include a wide range of information on hygiene form all of the areas above 2½ marks (B grade) You will include information from 5 of the areas above 2marks (C grade) You will include 4 of the areas above 1 ½ marks ( D grade) You will include 3 of the areas above 1 mark (E /F grade) You will include 2 of the areas above ½ mark (G grade) You will include little information on hygiene from one of the areas above. Different types of Food poisoning, causes and affects. Why a chef wears whites. Why do we do a deep clean. The food safety act. The role of an EHO. HACCP for one of your dishes. Remember to link your work to your event in your conclusion. You will need to show the moderator that you have a full understanding of the need for food safety and hygiene when planning for your event.
Food Safety and Hygiene Conclusion
Food Safety and Hygiene Conclusion
Food Safety and Hygiene Conclusion
RISK ASSESSMENT 2 MARKS Using the information from the starter activity, text book pages 184 and the internet produce a risk assessment for your event. 2 marks (A/B grade )You will include at least ten hazards or more and state who can be harmed and how to control the hazards. You will link this work to your event. 1 ½ marks (C/D grade) You will include at least eight hazards and state who can be harmed and how to control the hazards. You will link this work to your event. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include six hazards and state who can be harmed and how to control the hazards. You will link this work to your event. ½ mark (G grade) You will include 4 hazards and state who can be harmed and how to control the hazards. Think about all the hazards and how to control them. Why is it important to have a risk assessment? Who can be harmed? Do you need to take further action? Remember to evaluate your risk assessment and state how it will help you on the day of the event.
Risk Assessment Conclusion
Risk Assessment Conclusion
RECIPES TRIALLED You should now have completed at least 6 trialled dishes. 2 marks (A/B grade )You will include all six trialled dishes and will link this work to your event. 1 ½ marks (C/D grade.) You will include 4 or 5 of your trialled dishes You will link this work to your event. 1 mark (E/F grade) You will include 3 of your trialled dishes. You will link this work to your event. ½ mark (G grade) You will include 1 or 2 of your trialled dishes. Use the next two pages to show the moderator what dishes you have trialled, add your photographs and evaluation of the dish.. You do not need to include the recipe and method. Add a conclusion to each one and state how it is/is not suitable for the event and why. You could also add how the dish can be adapted to make it more suitable.
Trialled dish 1 Trialled dish 2 Conclusion
Trialled dish 3 Trialled dish 4 Conclusion
Trialled dish 5 Trialled dish 6 Conclusion
PLANNING 8 MARKS The planning section can be completed as a group. You can share the work so long as you make it your own by adding to it and adding a conclusion. You must work as a team to complete this section of your work. If you share out the jobs you will complete the work quicker. You have three weeks to complete this section Do not give anyone your piece of work unless you get theirs in return In this section you should have the following: Fire Drill1 mark Room and table plan 1 mark Invitation/Ticket and Menu ½ mark Customer/Shopping list 1 mark Equipment list ½ mark Planning for the day 1 mark Costing of your event 1 mark Your own time plan for the day 1 mark (This is your own piece of work.)
Fire Drill Conclusion
Invitation / Ticket and Menu Conclusion
Shopping List Conclusion
Equipment List Conclusion
Room Plan Table Plan Conclusion
Group Plan for the Day Conclusion
My Time Plan for the Day Conclusion
Costing of our Event Conclusion
CARRYING OUT THE EVENT 60 MARKS Carrying out the event carries 60 marks You need to show as many skills as possible to get higher marks. The write up of your event is worth up to 5 marks of your final evaluation. Now that you have carried out your event you will need to show the moderator how you did. Write about the event and include pictures. Think about how you felt before the event. How you felt when preparing for the event. What did you do? Show evidence of how you worked safely and hygienically. Discuss how you worked as a team to complete the task. Include pictures throughout and remember to add pictures of the final dishes and the guests at the event.
Write Up of your Event
EVALUATION 25 MARKS Evaluation is the area where most students lose marks. Remember to address all of the areas above to ensure you get maximum marks. Now that you have completed your event and shown the moderator evidence you should evaluate your work. Evaluation marks are awarded as follows: 5 marks for writing about your event with pictures 5 marks for evaluating your written work, your conclusions form part of this. 3 marks for evaluating how you worked as a team 5 marks for improvements that you could make to the event and your written work 2 marks for addressing customer comments in your work 5 marks for explaining what you have learnt while doing the event.
Using the information from the starter activity, text book pages 184 and the internet produce a risk assessment for your event. This document has been produced based upon the original WJEC version written by J.Housley available at © copyright reserved Food Teachers Resources UK 2014 All images are the property of or licensed to Food Teachers Resources UK via First Direct Media Ltd. This Presentation Document is supplied under a (CC) Creative Commons License. You may Copy and Redistribute this document Free of Charge in whole only and it should always be attributed to Food Teachers Resources UK.