SuttonDirect Sutton Planner Version 2.0
Sutton Planner Primarily designed for make to order / engineer to order environments Benefits ANY environment where you need fast information on actual demand in a make to stock environment The major benefit of the Sutton Planner is that it’s easier to use, simpler to plan, quicker to evaluate and manage components based on actual demand
You need Sutton Planner if… You work in a Make to Order (MTO) environment You work in an Engineer to Order (ETO) environment You work in a Make to Stock environment and need fast information on component demand to support sales orders not forecasted orders Some components may not be interchangeable even if they have the same stock code because they have been tested or calibrated for a specific customer / sales order and or project requirement
You need Sutton Planner if… You need quick material availability based on actual demand You want fast visibility to actual top level demand on lower level components MRP is too complex and you do not need to forecast or use MPS
SYSPRO MRP Vs. Sutton Planner You need Syspro MRP if you Need Time phased materials Use Forecasted demand Use Master Production Schedule (MPS) Have very accurate data You need Sutton planner if you Need to know actual demand Need quick visibility of components pegged to the top level Need quick information on actual component demand by sales order or project Need quick “can build” quantity details by component
Sutton Planner Works The Way You Do! The Sutton Planner recognizes hard allocations of materials, from a Sales Order to a Master Job, and from a Master Job to Sub Jobs, and also between Jobs and supporting Purchase Order lines A Hard Allocation means that a Sub Job or PO for the component is specifically attached to the demand If and only if a demand has no hard supply allocation, then any available common component can be used to satisfy that demand The Sutton Planner allows you to quickly focus on exceptions
3 Ways to Run Sutton Planner Take the snap shot based on your needs Run it as a – Stock Code Planner – Sales Order Planner – Job Planner You even have the option to include common components, Safety stock, Forward Orders or Suspense Orders
Snap Shot Simply run the snapshot Typically this is run daily After running each user can request the information they need
Stock Code Planner Run Stock Code – Run for one or several stock code(s) – Quickly provides visibility of material availability – Offers date range option to include demand up to a specified date – Used when quoting customers
Stock Code Planner Options Allows users to enter stock codes that they need information on The program will include all levels of the BOM User enters the “include Sales order demand Through date” Users have numerous options to customize the results for their exact needs
Stock Code Planner Report Report shows the status of components at ALL BOM levels, On Order Details for Jobs, PO’s and Actual sales Demand.
Sales Order Planner Sales Orders –Run for one or several sales order(s) –Includes all levels of demand driven from sales orders only –Option to include sales order demand based on a date range –Offers a consolidate demand option Useful when common components are needed at several BOM Levels and or used in several sub assemblies
Sales Order Planner Options Allows users to enter a single sale OR they can also enter a date range of sales orders User enters the “include Sales order demand through date” Users have numerous options to customize the results for their exact needs
Sales Order Planner Report Report shows the status of components at ALL BOM levels. As well as on Order Details for Jobs, PO’s and actual sales Demand.
Job Planner Run on a Master Job Run on one or several Jobs Ideal to see the status of all material required for a Master Job Drills down through all levels of Sub Jobs as well
Job Planner Options Allows users to enter a single or list of Jobs The program includes all Sub Jobs linked to any Master Job User enters the “include demand Through date” Users have numerous options to customize the results fro their exact needs
Job Planner Report Report shows the status of the Job selected and ALL components. As well as the Sub Jobs and PO’s linked to the Job and the status of common parts.
Project Planning Use the Sutton Planner for Projects Create Master Job in Syspro Create and attach Sub Jobs to Master Job as needed – This creates hard allocation of the Sub Job to the Master Job Create Purchase orders – Link PO Lines to Sub OR Master Jobs Run Sutton Planner on Master Job – Shows supply and demand details for all components – Includes demand on common components – Shows on order PO or Job numbers as well as Qty’s and due dates for all components
Sutton Planner – Actual Demand Quoting – Do you need a fast way to check material availability for quoting? – The Sutton Planner only looks at actual demand – Forecast and MPS are excluded – The net results is the demand that is needed for actual sales orders! There is no easier or faster way to get the data you need than when you use the Sutton Planner.
Sutton Planner – Scheduling Jobs – Ever schedule items and not have enough capacity? – Wouldn’t it be nice to know the actual amount of a Job that is needed just for sales orders? – Simply run the Sutton planner by stock code Purchasing – How often do you have to expedite? Ever want to know how many you “really” need. – Simply run the Stock Code planner and within seconds you have the information you need. There is no easier or faster way to get the data you need than when you use the Sutton Planner.
Sutton Planner - Benefits Reduced planning and scheduling time Pegged MRP type reporting in a pure MTO/ETO environment without running the SYSPRO MRP module Review Project material status on one simple report list that includes all BOM levels Increased productivity of your Project Managers Accurate and timely procurement expediting Higher customer satisfaction from on time deliveries
Sutton Planner – Advantages Plans materials based on actual demand Less inventory to carry versus Make to Stock environment Greatly increased staff productivity The major benefit of the Sutton Planner is that it’s easier to use, simpler to plan, quicker to evaluate and manage components The Sutton Planner is a product designed for the exclusive needs of the MTO/ETO company
Call Now! Take the first step to improving your Inventory accuracy Contact your SYSPRO reseller for a free quote on the Sutton Planner Module Visit for more information on SuttonDirect