SHIP and CRANE SIMULATOR Lance Arsenault Ali H. Nayfeh, Dean T. Mook and Ronald Kriz Dennis Cafiero, Fernando Das Neves, John Kelso, Ziyad Masoud, Nabel Mostafa, Baba Suleiman, Tom Treakle, Ken Weems Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University SHIP and CRANE SIMULATOR Lance Arsenault Ali H. Nayfeh, Dean T. Mook and Ronald Kriz Dennis Cafiero, Fernando Das Neves, John Kelso, Ziyad Masoud, Nabel Mostafa, Baba Suleiman, Tom Treakle, Ken Weems Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2 Ship and Crane Simulator Project Description and Motivation Test-Bed for Studying: –Response of Ships to Varying Sea Dynamics –Ship Motion Prediction and Control –Control of Moving Loads at Sea –Ship and Crane Operator –Model Feedback and Feedforward Real-time Interactive Operator in the Loop Simulator Like an Aircraft Flight Simulator with: –6-D Motion Base –3-D Stereo Vision –Computer Generated Graphics, Sound and Motion –Very Reconfigurable Logical Step for MURI Project
3 Ship and Crane Simulator What Is The Cave?
4 Ship and Crane Simulator What Is The Cave?
5 Ship and Crane Simulator MOOG Motion Base
6 Ship and Crane Simulator Future Home
7 Ship and Crane Simulator Current Progress –Developed a UNIX MOOG Interface API –VR Ocean Waves –Synchronized VR Ship and Waves, and Motion Base motion with LAMP dataLAMP –Intersense Inc's Prototype IS900 is InstalledIntersense Inc's –Diverse Toolkit – Inter-process API –Installed Crane Operator Seat –VR Model of US Naval Crane Ship
8 Ship and Crane Simulator US Naval Crane Ship
9 Ship and Crane Simulator Crane Simulator Movie
System Software Design DTK Server memory manager SharedMemory system state Motion Base com motion base Motion Base controller command base state LAMP ship dynamics ship Fun Filter motion filter motion graphics Render draw visual Crane Model crane dynamics crane Crane Control operator filter Operator Input joysticks/buttons joysticks buttons sensors MotionTracker non-magnetic head wand *complete
Sound simulator driven SharedMemory system state command base state ship motion graphics crane joysticks buttons head wand
12 Ship and Crane Simulator Future Work –Integrate Crane Dynamics –Integrate real-time LAMP program –Integrate Motion base Joysticks to crane controls –Fun Filter –Integrate Sound –Produce realistic US naval Ship and Crane Components –Move and Integrate CAVE and Motion Base –Polish for Realism and Usability –Other MURI Projects
13 Ship and Crane Simulator