Modular Crane Control System (MCCS) Craft Engineering Associates, Inc. Hampton, VA Principal Investigator: Dr. J. Dexter Bird, III Contract # N00024-11-C-4167 TPOC: Dr. Frank Leban NSWCCD/PEO-SHIPS Sponsor: Robert Mitchell Phase II SBIR Interim Status Topic #N06-057 Cargo Transfer From Offshore Supply Vessels To Large Deck Vessels March 7, 2014
Modular Crane Control System (MCCS) Objective: To develop and demonstrate a modular solution for crane pendulation and motion control suitable for a wide range of US Navy shipboard cranes, particularly hydraulic, extending-boom, pedestal cranes, like those on the JHSV for boat and cargo handling. Full-scale, commercial, extending-boom, hydraulic crane, modified with MCCS components and tested on 100 ton, 3 DOF motion platform
Modular Crane Control System (MCCS) An Appleton Marine EB230-49-33 crane, like those on the JHSV, is typical of marine pedestal cranes. A 1/9th scale model was built to develop the modular pendulation control concept and tested on a six DOF motion platform at Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan. 1/9th Scale Model Crane
MCCS Key Features Sensors – Develop a standard set of rugged sensors that can be easily integrated with a variety of marine cranes. Drive System Modifications – Identify existing drive system dynamics and provide remote valve actuation for closed loop capability. Control and Interface Hardware – Develop a system that can integrate with typical off-the-shelf crane control hardware. Control System – Develop algorithms to utilize available crane control to cancel ship motion, damp residual swing and respond to operator commands.
Modular Crane Control System (MCCS) Block Diagram Operator Inputs Boom Tip Motions Payload Motion Crane Hardware Pendulum Dynamics Ship Motion Crane Control Interface Crane Geometry Sensors Payload Sensor Ship Motion Sensor MCCS Control Algorithm Activate MCCS
Modular Crane Control System (MCCS) Operating Modes: Manual Mode Crane operates by joystick commands from the operator as a standard commercial crane with no augmentation Ship Motion Cancellation MCCS monitors ship motion and crane geometry and adjusts crane axes to minimize motion of the boom tip Heave Compensation MCCS adjusts the hoist to minimize vertical motion of the hook block and cargo Swing Damping MCCS monitors residual load pendulation and acts to reduce lateral excursions of the payload
Modular Crane Control System (MCCS) Work Accomplished Scale Modeling Designed & fabricated a 1/9th scale, electrically powered, model of the JHSV crane Instrumented the crane axes and provided computer system control Testing was conducted on motion platform at Michigan Tech Full Scale Testing Acquired a 15-ton Galion, mobile, extending-boom, hydraulic crane (the upper rotating structure simulates a marine pedestal crane) Instrumented the four axes (luff, slew, extend & hoist) Replaced manual hydraulic control valve block with electronic/manual mobile control valve similar to those used on marine pedestal cranes. Added the MCCS control system and motion sensor Tested ship motion cancellation mode of crane mounted on 3 DOF motion platform
Modular Crane Control System (MCCS) Preliminary testing of the full-scale MCCS on Motion Platform in the ship motion cancellation mode can be seen in a short video at: Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the link “MCCS Video” Craft Engineering Associates, Inc. 2102 48th Street Hampton, VA 23661 (757) 825-1516