A Neutrino Factory Target Station Design based on Solid Targets J. R. J. Bennett STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot OX11 0QX, UK
Outline 1. Introduction 2. Requirements 3. Some Target Stations 4. Target & Solenoid Module Third High-Power Target Workshop, Bad Zurzach, Switzerland, September 2007
Introduction The target station must; 1.Adhere to the safety regulations. Provide radiation safety to the workers and the environment. 2.Enclose the target and other equipment. 3.Allow maintenance and replacement of equipment safely. ALL ABOUT SAFETY
Requirements 1.Conform to the health and safety regulations. 2.The walls must provide adequate radiation shielding for personnel. 3.Radioactive materials must not be allowed to contaminate the environment – e.g. the ground water and the air. 4.Safe working when maintaining or replacing equipment. 5.Fail safe design of equipment and working operations. 6.The target station must be designed to be safe under possible scenarios – earthquake etc. (Judgements on likelihood of events.) 7.Documentation. 8.Consultation with the safety authorities and local councils.
Design Criteria The target station design is a well known technology which will include: 1. Modular System. Targets and main capture solenoid treated as one module. 2. Sealed and vacuum or inert gas filled target void volumes. 3. Sealed and inert gas filled remote handling cells. 4. Filtered, delayed and monitored gas venting to atmosphere to keep within allowed radiation limits. 5. Active water circuits separated from accessible low level circuits. COSTS - Predominantly in the steel and concrete shielding.
Target Station Design by Phil Spampinato for US Study II
Mercury Jet Target and Solenoid, Phil Spampinato
Mercury Pump and Heat Exchanger Circuit, Phil Spampinato
The SINQ Target Station
ISIS Second Target Station, Vertical Section Drawing
Remote Handling Must be safe at all times including the possibility of equipment failure and the device doing the remote handling. To move the items of equipment does one use a Crane or a Trolley? Overhead crane Which ever system one uses it must be safe at all times and the fault recoverable under all circumstances. Beam line Remote handling cell Beam line Remote handling cell trolley target Rails Overhead tracks
Overhead crane Targets & solenoid module Removable modules Schematic vertical section (through the muon axis) through the target station Proton beam Pion/muon centre line Overhead Crane Transport System
Overhead crane Targets & solenoid module Schematic vertical section (perpendicular to the muon axis) through the target station Remote Handling Maintenance Cell Overhead Crane Transport System Services
Targets & solenoid module Remote Handling Maintenance Cell Schematic vertical section (perpendicular to the muon axis) through the target station Trolley Transport System Services
Solid Targets and Solenoid
A Cu-Ni Rotating Band Target Bruce King & Robert Weggel (BNL), Nikolai Mokhov (FNAL), Scott Moser (St. Joseph’s)
Bruce King
Moving Solid Metallic Targets for Pion Production in the Muon Collider / Neutrino Factory Project H.G. Kirk and P. Thieberger BNL Targets use a low thermal expansion material to overcome the problem of thermal shock.
Schematic examples of metallic chain links showing rather compact designs with large metal to gap volume ratios.
Schematic example of a chain with long links that would allow the beam to be coaxial with the target.
RAL Solid Target Design Could use 1. The King solid band. 2. An adaptation of 2 – the radiation cooled toroid. 3. The Kirk/Thieberger chain design for the targets. 4. A chain adaptation of 1.
toroid rotating toroid proton beam solenoid magnet toroid at 2300 K radiates heat to water-cooled surroundings toroid magnetically levitated and driven by linear motors The Radiation Cooled Rotating Toroid RAL, UK
Schematic diagram of the target and collector solenoid arrangement The target bars are connected by links - like a bicycle chain. Possibly made of carbon reinforced ceramic or carbon/carbon. Solenoids Target Bars Proton Beam
The total length of the target chain or band is at least L = 200x20 cm = 40 m to dissipate the power, 1 MW, at a reasonable temperature, 1800 K, and the speed is at least 20(cm)/20 (ms) at a beam repetition rate of 50 Hz V = 10 m/s With the twin chain design the bars can be made to overlap allowing the total length to reduce to L = 20 m and the speed to V = 5 m/s
Schematic diagram of the Target and Solenoid Module. There are 200 bars (minimum), 20 cm long, spaced apart by 10 cm. The total chain length is 200x10 cm = 20 m. ~3 m CL ~2 m
Trolley - Removable Lid,, to which is attached to the solenoids and target mechanism and any beam line elements within the target void vessel. Overhead Crane - Remove void vessel as part of module. Void Vessel, water cooled Beam Line Protons Next Module vacuum Target and Solenoid Module Lid