Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release CAPT JT Elder, USN Commanding Officer NSWC Crane Dr. Adam Razavian, SES Technical Director NSWC Crane NSWC Crane Technologies Presented By: Brooke Pyne Date: August 19-20,
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release NSWC Crane Division Technical Leadership 2967 NSWC Crane Navy Employees –67 % scientists, engineers and technicians –70 PhD, 522 Masters, 1303 Bachelors 3 Mission Focus Areas –Strategic Missions –Special Missions –Electronic Warfare Game Changing Technical Advancements –Since 2000: 179 Patents issued, 195 filed / disclosed 2 Technical Capabilities Technical Capabilities Special Missions 35% Strategic Missions 22% Other 5% Electronic Warfare 38%
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release Technical Capabilities Supporting NSWC Crane Focus Areas Providing innovative technical solutions for the rapidly changing combat environment Strategic Systems Hardware Special Warfare and Expeditionary Systems Hardware Electronic Warfare Systems RDT&E/Acquisition/Life Cycle Support Advanced Electronics & Energy Systems Infrared Countermeasures and Pyrotechnic RDT&E and Life Cycle Support Sensors and Surveillance Systems 3
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release Precise and Portable Antenna Test System Automated and portable antenna test system that quickly and accurately measure far field signal patterns in real field environments Benefits: –Indoor positional accuracy in a portable outdoor unit –Pointing accuracy within ½ degree and location accuracy of 1 cm horizontally and 2 cm vertically –Determine far field patterns and polarization measurement for high frequency antennas in a small test range space Status: Prototyped and demonstrated IP Suite: –US Patents 8,077,098 and 8,421,673 –US Patent App. 2013/093,622 –Software code available 4
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release Antenna Portfolio 5 US Patent NumberTitle 6,570,539Method for vibration detection during near-field antenna testing 7,940,225Antenna with shaped dielectric loading 8,004,455Antenna simulator 8,264,417Aperture antenna with shaped dielectric loading 8,279,118Aperiodic antenna array 8,692,729Discone antenna with asymmetric dielectric loading Antenna test system software Universal antenna mounting bracket
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release Critical Infrastructure Protection System Open system architecture and software system for plug and play integration of a myriad of sensors and systems for common control and display Benefit: –Allows multiple external devices to be networked and controlled –Replaces unique interface devices with single system –Allows for aggregation and presentation of data from many sources Status: multiple fielded applications with continuing development IP Suite: –US Patents 6,665,594; 6,873,886; 6,903,676; 7,049,998; 8,656,081; and 8,667,206 and Software code 6
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release Software Portfolio 7 US Patent NumberTitle 8,683,451System and method for translating software code 8,429,605Finite state machine architecture for software development 8,421,673 and Antenna test system software 6,873,886Modular mission payload control software 6,665,594 Plug and play modular mission payloads 6,903,676Integrated radar, optical surveillance, and sighting system 7,049,998Integrated radar, optical surveillance, and sighting system 8,316,023VBA environment for managing data 8,238,924Real time optimization of allocation of radio frequency resources 8,156,050Strategic missions technical resource center 7,685,207Web-based product control
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release Lasers: Portable Cutting Device Portable laser cutting device that can cut through doors, walls, and steel beams Benefits –Can be deployed in areas with space limitation and with limited access to power, –Can be carried by a single user Status: Prototyped US Patent 8,436,276, US Patent 8,212,709, US Patent 8.367,991, US Patent 8,493,261, US Patent 8,305,252, US Patent 8,420,977, US Patent 8,445,813 and US Patent 8,581,771 8
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release Laser Portfolio 9 US Patent NumberTitle 8,445,813Compact portable high power ytterbium laser 8,493,261High power ytterbium fiber laser countermeasure method 8,212,709High power ytterbium fiber laser countermeasure method 8,305,252High power ytterbium fiber laser countermeasure method 8,447,563Fire control laser model 8,452,569Fire control laser model 8,436,276Portable cutting device for breaching a barrier 8,420,977High power laser system 7,812,932Universal laser range evaluation and verification system 8,149,390User interface for laser targeting system 8,367,991Modulation Device for a Mobile Tracking Device 8,581,771Scene Illuminator
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release Perchlorate Free Flares Red, yellow, and green flares containing chemical compositions without perchlorates Benefits: –Eliminates hazardous perchlorate chemicals –Avoids costly clean up –Provides equal or superior luminous intensities Status: –Red fielded –Yellow and Green have been prototyped and demonstrated IP Suite: –US Patent No. 7,988,801; 8,216,403; 8,277,583; 8,366,847; 8,568,542; 10
Distribution Statement A – Approved for Public Release Pyrotechnics & Demolition Portfolio 11 US Patent NumberTitle 7,882,785Demolition charge having multi-primed initiation system 7,885,784Demolition charge having multi-primed initiation system 7,472,652Demolition charge having multi-primed initiation system 6,634,301Enclosed ignition flare igniter 6,679,174Flare igniter with slurry grove 6,588,343Igniter system for a flare 8,028,830Anti-ballistic composite structure for ordnance 7,632,365Pyrotechnic Thermite Composition