The building
The crane The crane lifted the big beams into the building. First they got a small crane then because it was too small they got a bigger crane. The crane lifted the big beams into the building. First they got a small crane then because it was too small they got a bigger crane.
The project The workers have been working hard to get the building finished for the school. There is a 3D building picture of the new building.
The inside The inside is still needing to be finished. The inside is still needing to be finished. The drillers sound funny when they drill so close, they make lots of noise when they drill. The infants are hopefully going to have another classroom The drillers sound funny when they drill so close, they make lots of noise when they drill. The infants are hopefully going to have another classroom
The outside The outside is quite noisy when we go to play outside into the field or playground. The infants are excited about it. The outside is quite noisy when we go to play outside into the field or playground. The infants are excited about it.
The excitement We’ve been waiting for the opening of this building for three months. We’ve been waiting for the opening of this building for three months.
Steel work The steel work was supported by the crane. The steel work supports the building so it doesn't fall. The steel work was supported by the crane. The steel work supports the building so it doesn't fall.
The work Crane work was easier then carrying stuff because it was HEAVY! Crane work was easier then carrying stuff because it was HEAVY!
The building right now!! The building is hopefully going to be finished in a couple of weeks with good weather. The weather has been bad lately so it is a bit off schedule. The building is hopefully going to be finished in a couple of weeks with good weather. The weather has been bad lately so it is a bit off schedule.
The roof on top They used the crane to put the roof on. They used big sheets of wood for the topping of the roof. They used the crane to put the roof on. They used big sheets of wood for the topping of the roof.
The pictures of the school building The pictures taken by Mr Stockdale of the inside and outside of the building that is being built. The pictures taken by Mr Stockdale of the inside and outside of the building that is being built.
What they’re building inside They’re building, toilets and a new classroom that the infants were hoping for. They’re building, toilets and a new classroom that the infants were hoping for.
What is on the way The building is almost finished. We are also excited there being less noise when we do PE and go out to play at play time! The building is almost finished. We are also excited there being less noise when we do PE and go out to play at play time!
What it’s going to look like The three 3D version (on right) is what it’s going to look like. The three 3D version (on right) is what it’s going to look like.