Power point presentation By Jake, John, Emillio, Danielle, and Justin
Music/Sound: suspenseful, [non-diegetic] music, the tearing of a chocolate bar wrapper Dialogue: Diegetic, Charlie and the rest of his family talking about the chocolate that he is about to open. Angle: High Angle to Straight angle shots Lighting: Medium Key Shot: Medium to close-ups on Charlie, certain members of his family, and the chocolate bar.
Music/Sound: Cameras Flashing, Joyous music Dialogue: Non-diegetic, Grandpa Joe Angle: Eye Level, low level looking up at Willy Wonka and his factory (making it look bigger) Lighting: Bright, Cameras Flashing Shot: Medium shot of Willy Wonka and his new factory
Music/Sound: Willy Wonka Theme, The animatronics malfunctioning Dialogue: Diegetic, Wonka’s speech, murmuring of the guests Angle: Eye Level on Wonka, then the guests, Boom Crane on the factory. Lighting: Medium to Dark Key Shot: Medium shot on Wonka, the visitors and Long shot at the factory
Music/Sound: No music, the sound of footsteps down a corridor, the sound of voices from Wonka and the children, echoing . Dialogue: Diegetic, The children trying to impress Wonka. Wonka responding to them Angle: Eye Level throughout Lighting: Low Key Shot: Long Shot to Medium Shot
Music/Sound: Uplifting music, [Non Diegetic] Dialogue: Diegetic, Wonka speaking to the families to stay calm, The children enjoying the factory. Angle: Eye Level Lighting: Medium to High Key Shot: Eye Line Match at the families gazing off into the chocolate meadow
Music/Sound: Deep Sounding Pitches, [non diegetic] Dialogue: Diegetic, none Angle: Medium and Low angle Lighting: Medium Key Shot: Medium and Low Close Up on Augustus
Music/Sound: Augustus drowning, his mother screaming Music/Sound: Augustus drowning, his mother screaming . Wonka and the others talking Dialogue: Diegetic, Augustus starting to panic Angle: High/Medium angle on Augustus Lighting: High to Medium Key Shot: Establishing shot of the others, Medium shot on Augustus
Music/Sound: Oompa Lumpa Song 1, Dialogue: Diegetic, Oompa Loompas singing, Wonka and the visitors talking after the song Angle: Eye Level/ Close up on Augustus, Boom Crane on the others Lighting: Low key Shot: Close Up
Music/Sound: None, the talking of Wonka, and the guests. Dialogue: Diegetic, Wonka discussing where Augustus currently is . Angle: High to Medium angle. Lighting: Medium Key Shot: Eye Level to Boom Crane, to Close ups.
Music/Sound: The beating of drums, the sound of oars guiding down the river. Dialogue: Diegetic, talking of the remaining families and Wonka. Angle: Boom crane Lighting: Medium to Dark Key Shot: Medium to establishing shot
Music/Sound: The Beating of drums, Mysterious, [non diegetic] music, Wonka and the others talking. Dialogue: Diegetic/Non Diegetic the narrator reflecting on Wonka’s childhood, Wonka and the others talking. Angle: Medium angle throughout this scene. Lighting: Medium, to low key Shot: Long Shots, Medium Shots, and Close Ups.
Music/Sound: suspenseful music, Violet chewing a piece of gum. Dialogue: Diegetic Wonka warning her not to chew the special gum. Angle: Eye level Lighting: low profile Shot: close up
Music/Sound: Machinery sounds. Violet expanding. Dialogue: Diegetic People in awe. Wonka’s response was “Oh Dear!” Angle: Medium angle Lighting: Medium lighting Shot: Medium shot
Music/Sound: Oompa Loompa song 2, mother screaming. Dialogue:Diegetic, Violet questioning what was going on. Angle: Medium long angle Lighting: Low profile Shot: Long shot
Music/Sound: No music, The Sounds of cracking nuts Dialogue: Digetic, Veruca demanding to have one of Wonka’s squirrels, Mr. Salt offering Wonka money for a squirrel, Wonka refusing the offer. Angle: Low angle on the parents, remaining children, and Wonka, Eye Level on squirrels Lighting: High Key Shot: Long Shot of Wonka and the remaining children, and close up on the squirrels
Music/Sound: Oompa Loompa song 3, screams from Veruca Salt, concern from her father, talking from Wonka and the others. Dialogue: Diegetic, Oompa Loompas, Veruca screaming for help. Father concerned for Veruca, talking from Wonka and the others. Angle: low, side angle Lighting: Side lighting, Medium Shot: Medium
Music/Sound: Majestic music and fireworks, elevator sounds such as ‘DING’ Dialogue: Diegetic to Non Digetic, Dialogue between Wonka, Charlie, Mike, Mike’s dad, and grandpa Angle: Below eye level Lighting: low key Shot: Close up on Wonka and the remaining children , extreme close up on Mike’s finger going towards the TV room button.
Music/Sound: Space Odyssey 2000 theme [Non Diegetic] , Oompa Loompa song 4, A zapping sound, ambiances of the television Dialogue: Diegetic, Wonka explaining his idea of TV chocolate, Mike refuting the idea, and seeing it as a transporter Angle: Straight angle shot of characters all looking up Lighting: Bright light behind characters Shot: medium shot
Music/Sound: No music. Mike screaming,”Help!” in a squeaky voice. Dialogue: Diegetic, “HELP ME!” Angle: Medium eye level Lighting: Very bright light Shot: Medium range
Music/Sound: [Non Diegetic], Revelation like Dialogue: The Naughty Children and their changed parents Angle: Medium eye Level at Wonka, Charlie, and grandpa, from below. Lighting: bright Shot: close up, at waist area, Boom Crane, the eye level on the naughty children.