K ILLING 2 B IRDS WITH 1 T RIANGLE R T I & PBIS Dean Richards, OrRtI Sarah Crane-Simpson, UMESD
T OO M ANY A CRONYMS... RtI = Response to Intervention PBIS = Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive D ESIGNING S CHOOL -W IDE S YSTEMS FOR S TUDENT S UCCESS
Principal Classroom Teachers Specialists School Counselor School Psychologist o ODRs o Sped Referrals o Nominations RTIPBIS
Types of meetings Tier 1 (grade level) Examine the overall health of the core program for ALL students Tier 2 (intervention group level) Examine students in interventions to determine, “Is what we are doing working?” Exit, intensify, or continue intervention Tier 3 (student level) Problem solve around individual student need and design individual plan
PBIS/RTI Teacher leaders Job delegation Top down and bottom up
Ongoing Based on student and staff need and performance. Time to collaborate and plan Fidelity checks Data used to drive professional development needs. o 101 o Tier 2 interventions o Team updates RtIPBIS
ALL students at least three times per year Good screening measures: Efficient, brief, valid, reliable, unbiased and over-identifies Screening is used as a key measure to determine: The health of the core Which students might need additional intervention. o Office Discipline Referrals o Screener o Teacher nomination RtIPBIS
Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension State standards Scope and sequence Engaging and motivating instructional strategies o School-wide expectations o Lesson Plans RtIPBIS
Provide the “now what” after teams have analyzed student data Guide decisions for all tiers Take the guesswork out of “what to do next” Ensure equity across schools o Team meetings o Number of ODRs o Referrals RtIPBIS
Data answers the question: “Is what we are doing working?” Frequency: Every 2 weeks (minimum) Every week (ideal) o Data, not feelings RtIPBIS
Designed to match instructional need Is in addition to district core curriculum Uses more explicit instruction Provides more intensity Additional modeling and guided feedback Immediacy of feedback Does NOT replace core o CICO o TKO o Social skills groups o Community involvement RtIPBIS
B ENEFITS OF A RTI S YSTEM RTI will help you to: Know immediately, “Is what we are doing working?” Know which students need more/different Know what each student needs Provide structures to deliver what students need Reduce rates of identification of student learning disabilities Prevent reading problems before they occur Raise student achievement