Introduction to the Green Investment Bank Investing in Infrastructure – Exploring the Challenges to Effective Delivery Belfast Speaker: Adrian Judge 13 th February 2013
2 WHY CREATE A GREEN INVESTMENT BANK? The Government has ambitious green targets, with a suite of policies in place to support their achievement Even after these measures, finance-related issues will continue to limit the scale and pace of the transition to a green economy The market challenge has been exacerbated by the impact of the global financial crisis on bank balance sheets, and in particular on the market for long-term project debt The Coalition Agreement of May 2010 committed to setting up a Green Investment Bank
3 OVERVIEW Mission Funding GIB To accelerate investment in the UK’s transition to a green economy and to create an enduring institution, operating at arm’s length from government £3bn to invest over 3 years, starting April 2012 State Aid Approval granted 17th October 2012 GIB now fully operational Investments already announced across all sectors
4 GIB – WHAT WE ARE Enduring Institution Additional Green UK “For profits” organisation, seeking a commercial risk- adjusted rate of return on its investments Does not “crowd out” private sector Mobilising other capital – “crowd in” Priority Sectors: Offshore Wind Non Domestic Energy Efficiency + on site renewables Green Deal Waste (Recycling & Energy) Other: (e.g. biomass, biofuels, renewable heat)
5 GIB – WHAT WE ARE (CONT’D) Responsible Investor Flexible bespoke solutions Policy Consistency Recycle Capital Clients need to meet highest environmental, governance and social standards We can offer debt, mezzanine, equity, guarantees Scope to develop new products Supporting Government’s green policies £3bn capital vs. total priority sector investment funding requirement to 2020 of > £200bn
6 GIB – WHAT WE ARE NOT Provider of grants / regional assistance Provider of subsidised debt / equity Taker of high risk / low reward Provider of Venture Capital Provider Development Equity Financial Advisors
7 INVESTMENTS TO DATE £m Walney Offshore Wind Farm 45 Waste Funds (Foresight, Greensphere) 80 Energy Efficiency Funds (SDCL, Equitix) 100 Wakefield Waste 32 Drax Conversion 100
8 Edinburgh Exchange Place 2 5 Semple Street Edinburgh EH3 8BL 1 London 13 th Floor Millbank SW1P 4QP Shaun KingsburyChief Executive Officer Ian NolanChief Investment Officer Stephen CraneManaging Director Offshore Wind Charles Abel SmithDirector NDEE Adrian JudgeManaging Director Waste & Bioenergy Edward NorthamManaging Director Waste & Bioenergy CONTACT DETAILS
9 DISCLAIMER The information in this [workbook]/[document] and any accompanying material (“The Document”) is confidential and commercially sensitive. This Document is provided to each recipient on a confidential basis solely for information purposes only. No reliance can be placed on this Document by any recipient or any other person. This Document and its contents are confidential to the person to whom it is delivered and must not be reproduced or distributed, either in whole or in part, nor its contents disclosed by such persons to any other person without the prior written consent of UK Green Investment Bank plc. Except as required by law, neither UK Green Investment Bank Plc nor any of its connected persons accepts any liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of, or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the information contained in this Document or on which this Document is based or any other information or representations supplied to the recipient. UK Green Investment Bank plc will not act and has not acted as your legal, tax, accounting or investment adviser. This Document does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to sell, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase, any investment and UK Green Investment Bank plc does not arrange investments for/introduce parties as a result of sharing the information set out in this Document. Registered Office: Quartermile 1, 15 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9EP. Company Number SC UK Green Investment Bank is a company wholly owned by the UK Government and is not regulated by the Financial Services Authority.