Inherit the Wind By Robert E. Lee & Jerome Lawrence
Overview The Play/Authors Historical Context/Setting Main characters Themes
The Play Opened 1955 on Broadway Made into a film in 1960, 1988, 1999 Historical fiction not meant to be a documentary Parable satirizing McCarthyism
The Authors Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee collaborated on 39 plays together Both ended their careers in L. A.
Historical Context/Setting Scopes v. State of Tennessee, 1925 A test case, not a real trial Viewed as an historic national debate played out in a courtroom Called the “Trial of the Century”& the “Monkey Trial.” Google Earth
Charges Against John Scopes In violation of The Butler Act The Butler Act forbade the exclusive teaching of the theory of evolution in the state of TN So what’s the big deal?
Theory of Evolution Posited in early 19th Century Charles Darwin wrote On the Origin of the Species Published in 1859 Not intended to incite controversy Intended audience of scientists
DarWin’s Theories Simply put, all life changes and evolves over time to adapt to its environment Natural Selection Conflicts with literal translation of the Bible
Dark Side of Evolutionary Theory Many unintended results/interpretati ons Eugenics Social Darwinism “Survival of the fittest” Nazi Germany
Facts about Scopes trial ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) advertised for a willing violator of the Butler Act Paid for legal fees, fines Max fine $500 No jail time
Facts about Scopes trial cont. Scopes – high school football coach and substitute teacher hired by local merchants to violate the law Why would they do this? $
Historical people and fictional counterparts John Scopes Sub teacher Answered ad from ACLU and local merchants Morally indifferent Bert Cates Full time bio teacher Stands moral ground Spends time in jail and faces serious charges Portrayed as a hero
Characters cont. William Jennings Bryant Prosecutor Presidential candidate 3 times Hero for small town, rural America Matthew Harrison Brady Prosecutor Presidential candidate 3 times Portrayed as a gluttonous, egomaniacal blowhard
Characters cont. Clarence Darrow Preeminent attorney Favored controversial cases “Leftist” Paid by ACLU Henry Drummond Defense attorney Seeks symbolic cases Paid by Baltimore Herald
Characters cont. H.L. Mencken Writer, journalist for Baltimore Sun Witty, sarcastic social critic E.K. Hornbeck Reporter for Baltimore Herald Sharp-tongued journalist Supports Cates while jeering locals
Themes Traditionalism vs. Modernism Growing pains of American culture Industrial Revolution, Urbanization, and multiculturalism
The End