NEW CHAPTER Patterns of Heredity CHAPTER the BIG idea In sexual reproduction, genes are passed from parents to offspring in predictable patterns. Living things inherit traits in patterns. Patterns of heredity can be predicted. DNA is divided during meiosis. Cells use DNA and RNA to make proteins. CHAPTER OUTLINE CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME 4.1 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.2.c Students know an inherited trait can be determined by one or more genes. 7.2.d Students know plant and animal cells contain many thousands of different genes and typically have two copies of every gene. The two copies (or alleles) of the gene may or may not be identical, and one may be dominant in determining the phenotype while the other is recessive.
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME A type of reproduction in which male and female reproductive cells combine to form offspring with genetic material from both cells. sexual reproduction 4.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The basic unit of heredity that consists of a segment of DNA on a chromosome. gene 4.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The passing of genes from parents to offspring; the genes are expressed in the traits of the offspring. heredity 4.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME One form of a gene for a specific trait or gene product. One comes from mom and one comes from dad. allele 4.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The observable characteristics or traits of an organism (such as tall or short, blue or brown). phenotype 4.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The genetic makeup of an organism; all the alleles that an organism has. genotype 4.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The allele that is expressed even if you have only one of them. dominant 4.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The allele that is not expressed if you also have a dominant one. It is only expressed if you have two recessive alleles, one from each parent. recessive 4.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME 4.1 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE Living things inherit traits in patterns. gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive Offspring inherit alleles, which are forms of genes, from their parents. Alleles can be dominant or recessive. The alleles you have are your genotype; the observable characteristics that come from your genotype are your phenotype. SIMULATION Try a virtual version of Mendel’s experiment. CLASSZONE.COM CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME I. Living things inherit traits in patterns. A. Parents and offspring are similar. B. Genes are on chromosome pairs. 4.1 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Living things inherit traits in patterns. 1. One Example C. Gregor Mendel made some important discoveries about heredity. 2. Mendel’s Conclusions gene sexual reproduction heredity allele phenotype genotype dominant recessive 1. Phenotype and Genotype D. Alleles interact to produce traits. 2. Dominant and Recessive Alleles CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Patterns of heredity can be predicted. 4.2 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE probability Punnett square CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.2.b Students know sexual reproduction produces offspring that inherit half their genes from each parent. 7.2.c Students know an inherited trait can be determined by one or more genes. 7.2.d Students know plant and animal cells contain many thousands of different genes and typically have two copies of every gene. The two copies (or alleles) of the gene may or may not be identical, and one may be dominant in determining the phenotype while the other is recessive.
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME A chart used to show all the ways alleles from two parents can combine and be passed to offspring; used to predict all genotypes that are possible. Punnett square 4.2 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Patterns of heredity can be predicted. probability Punnett square CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The likelihood or chance that a specific outcome will occur out of a total number of outcomes. probability 4.2 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Patterns of heredity can be predicted. probability Punnett square CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Patterns of heredity can be predicted. 4.2 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE probability Punnett square B b B b BB Bb bb B = black fur b = brown fur Punnett squares show possible outcomes of heredity. Percentages can be used with Punnett squares to express the probability of each possible outcome. SIMULATION Predict offspring traits with virtual Punnett squares. CLASSZONE.COM CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME II. Patterns of heredity can be predicted. B. Percentages can express the probability of outcomes. 4.2 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY A. Punnett squares show possible outcomes for inheritance. Patterns of heredity can be predicted. CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES probability Punnett square
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME 4.3 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE DNA is divided during meiosis. egg gamete sperm fertilization meiosis CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.2.a Students know the differences between the life cycles and reproduction methods of sexual and asexual organisms. 7.2.b Students know sexual reproduction produces offspring that inherit half their genes from each parent.
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME A sperm or egg cell, containing half the usual number of chromosomes of an organism (one chromosome from each pair), which is found only in the reproductive organs of a plant or animal. gamete 4.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY DNA is divided during meiosis. egg gamete sperm fertilization meiosis CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME A female reproductive cell (gamete) that forms in the reproductive organs of a female and has just a single copy of the genetic material of the parent. egg 4.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY DNA is divided during meiosis. egg gamete sperm fertilization meiosis CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME A male reproductive cell (gamete) that forms in the male reproductive organs and has just a single copy of the genetic material of the parent. sperm 4.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY DNA is divided during meiosis. egg gamete sperm fertilization meiosis CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Part of the process of sexual reproduction in which a male reproductive cell and a female reproductive cell combine to make a new cell that can develop into a new organism. fertilization 4.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY DNA is divided during meiosis. egg gamete sperm fertilization meiosis CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME Process in which the nucleus of a cell divides in the production of haploid (n) cells, such as egg cells and sperm cells. Meiosis is a part of sexual reproduction and occurs only in reproductive cells. meiosis 4.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY DNA is divided during meiosis. egg gamete sperm fertilization meiosis CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME 4.3 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE DNA is divided during meiosis. egg gamete sperm Meiosis is a type of cell division needed for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, cells divide twice to produce gametes. Male and female gametes join when fertilization occurs. Meiosis II fertilization meiosis 1n1n 1n1n 1n1n 1n1n Meiosis I CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME III. DNA is divided during meiosis. A. Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction. 1. Meiosis I B. Cells divide twice during meiosis. 4.3 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY DNA is divided during meiosis. 2. Meiosis II egg gamete sperm fertilization meiosis C. Meiosis and mitosis differ in some important ways. CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES 3. Combinations of Alleles
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME 4.4 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE Cells use DNA and RNA to make proteins. RNA replication CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.2.e Students know DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material of living organisms and is located in the chromosomes of each cell.
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME The process by which DNA is copied. This happens during interphase of the cell cycle, before the cell divides. replication 4.4 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Cells use DNA and RNA to make proteins. RNA replication CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME A nucleic acid that contains instructions for making proteins. It carries genetic information from DNA to a ribosome, where amino acids are linked together to form proteins. RNA 4.4 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Cells use DNA and RNA to make proteins. RNA replication CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME 4.4 SECTION OUTLINE SECTION OUTLINE Cells use DNA and RNA to make proteins. RNA replication DNA contains a code that enables a cell to make RNA and proteins. Replication copies the DNA code before a cell divides. DNA’s triplet code enables a cell to code for proteins. CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES A cell’s mRNA, tRNA, and ribosomes translate the code into a sequence of amino acids. The amino acids form a protein needed for cell function.
VOCABULARY KEY CONCEPT CHAPTER HOME IV. Cells use DNA and RNA to make proteins. A. DNA is the information molecule. 1. Proteins and Amino Acids B. Replication produces two copies of DNA. 4.4 KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY Cells use DNA and RNA to make proteins. 2. DNA and the Genetic Code C. RNA is needed to make proteins. CHAPTER RESOURCES CHAPTER RESOURCES RNA replication 1. Types of RNA 2. Transcription 3. Translation Get a book and open to page 125
CHAPTER HOME Image Gallery Click on the icons to see a larger image or animation. SIMULATION Try a virtual version of Mendel’s experiment. CLASSZONE.COM SIMULATION Predict offspring traits with virtual Punnett squares. CLASSZONE.COM
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