Margarita Greene, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Rodrigo Mora Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María AUTOPISTAS URBANAS CONCESIONADAS: una nueva forma de segregación
Santiago de Chile
EL PROCESO URBANO _rapid urbanization_urban sprawl_spatial dispersal_car usage_ in fifty years population increases five times
LA RESPUESTA DEL GOBIERNO TRANSANTIAGO PLAN improvement and rationalization of bus system new metro lines privately operated highways Económicas Transporte Urbano-Arquitectónicas APREHENSIONES 5,2 million inhabitants Yearly consumption of 40,000 ha farming land 16 million trips a day, 1/3 to the CBD CONGESTION_POLLUTION_ACCIDENTS
Implications to be considered: unequal distribution of services and infrastructure system that allows no relation with passing neighbourhood free urban fabric looses continuity and integration INCOME INDEX EDUCATION INDEX
The road network in the city: From: Cerda and the celebrated ‘ensanche de Barcelona”, Hausmann, Panerait, Solá Morales, Koolhaas, Allen and many others To: Hillier, Hanson, Penn et al…
IN THE CASE OF SANTIAGO: Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna 1875
Karl Brunner, 1935 IN THE CASE OF SANTIAGO:
FundamentaL Corridors Juan Parroquia 1979 PRIS, 1960 IN THE CASE OF SANTIAGO:
German Bannen, 1990 IN THE CASE OF SANTIAGO:
Futuras autopistas urbanas en Santiago
city before highwayssystemcity with highway system
city without toll
Conexiones producidas por las autopistas sobre el Mapocho.
SYNTACTICAL MODELS: Three situations to compare: before the Privately operated highways with the Private System incorporated to the city fabric the remaining free-of-charge city IN THE CASE OF SANTIAGO:
city today with highways without toll
not using highway system RnR3 THE RICHER ORIENTE SECTOR: RnR3 with highway system
Conclusions: Although the highway system is presented as modernization, the main effect could be the intensification of Santiago’s social and spatial segregation. the highways will not only divide the city, but they will make it harder to move and to find the way in the city while the people that use the highways system will loose contact with the urban context, the people who do no use it will loose connectivity with the entire city. In both cases the concept of city as a space of social interchange is weakened, favouring the idea of isolation in well-defined and socially stratified neighbourhoods. Privately operated highways seem to be opposed to the former Chilean philosophy of urban space (Vicuña Mackenna, Brunner, Parroquia, Bannen), in which the idea was to integrate the city and to maximise availability for the entire population. Thus Idelfonso Cerda’s idea of the dual system, that comprises connectivity and social interchange, published nearly 150 years ago, seems every day more difficult to achieve in Santiago. CONCLUSIONS: the end.