4. Be Faithful – Things will get Tough 1 Peter 3:8–22 (p. 1124) 1 & 2 Peter.


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Presentation transcript:

4. Be Faithful – Things will get Tough 1 Peter 3:8–22 (p. 1124) 1 & 2 Peter

If you were in Voorst/Twello, Netherlands on Friday …

1. More things to do ▲ Relationships among believers (“All of you...”) ■ v 8-9 ● Be like minded- Be sympathetic ● Love one another- Be compassionate & humble ● Do not repay evil with evil... But with a blessing ■ v ● Do not be frightened... revere Christ as Lord ● Always be ready to explain the hope you have

1. More things to do... ▲ Where we are in the letter – 1. Be Joyful – We have a Living Hope (1: 1-12) ● God’s generosity & mercy have given us: a Living Hope and a Guaranteed Inheritance 2. Be Alert – Our New Life doesn’t just Happen (1:13-2:10) ● Be alert & fully sober ● Set your Hope on Christ’s coming ● Do not conform to your evil desires ● Be Holy ● Live in reverent Fear of the Lord

1. More things to do Be Holy in Daily Life (2:11-3:7) ● Abstain from sinful desires – they war against your soul ● Christ’s example – willing to serve to bring others to God ■ Remembering the greater (unseen) reality: We are... ● redeemed by the precious blood of Christ (1:18-21) ● born of imperishable seed (1: 23-25) ● living stones... built into dwelling place for God (2:4-8) ● a chosen people... God’s special possession (2:9-10)

2. Inheriting a Blessing v rather, repay evil with blessing because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

2. Inheriting a Blessing... A lost understanding – FORGIVENESS / FORGIVEN “Removal of sin  The privilege of being in God’s presence” BLESSING / BLESSED Living in the experience of God’s Shalom “Shalom” – peace, wellbeing, fulfillment, joy, rest, good life

2. Inheriting a Blessing... ▲ The quote from Ps 34: (v 10-12) ■ IF you want to LOVE LIFE and SEE GOOD DAYS... Turn from evil and do good seek “ shalom ” and pursue it ■ FOR – The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous His ears are attentive to their prayers

3. Assurance in the harshness of reality ▲ Doing God’s will is always better (v 17) ■ Christ also suffered (v 18) ● Then he proclaimed his victory to/over evil spirits (v 19) ■ Salvation may only be received by a “few” (v 20) ● It is based on inward not outward condition (v 21) ▲ Jesus has risen – He now rules the cosmos (v 21)

Embracing your Future ▲ Inherit a blessing – Pursue shalom with every ounce of your being ▲ Not all of it is always experienced all the time (2 Cor 4:16-18) ▲ God’s way is STILL the better way (even now!)