Psalm 37 Versus 1-9 Sung to: FOREST GREEN CMD “I Sing the Almighty Power of God” Trinity Hymnal tune #119 CCLI #
Have no disturbing thoughts about Those doing wickedly, And be not envious of those Who work iniquity. 2
For even like the growing grass Soon be cut down shall they; And like the green and tender plant They all shall fade away. 3
Set thou thy trust upon the Lord; Continue doing good. Dwell thou securely in the land; Make faithfulness thy food. 4
Joy in the Lord; He’ll grant each gift For which thy heart may call. Commit thy way unto the Lord; Trust Him; He’ll do it all. 5
And like the morning light He shall Thy righteousness display; And He thy judgment shall bring forth Like noontide of the day. 6
Rest in the Lord; wait patiently; Fret not for anyone Who prospers in his wicked way, Completing schemes begun. 7
Cease being thou by anger stirred; Make thou of wrath an end. Fret not thyself, for fretting will To evildoing tend. 8
For evildoers soon shall be Cut off, no more to stand; But those who wait upon the Lord Inherit shall the land. 9
Psalm 37 Versus
For yet a little while, and then The wicked shall not be; His place thou shalt consider well, But him thou shalt not see. 12
The meek and humble of the land Inheritors shall be; And they shall then delight themselves In full prosperity. 13
The wicked plots against the just And grinds his teeth in wrath; Because He sees his day will come The Lord at him shall laugh. 14
The wicked men have drawn their swords And bent their bows to slay, To cast the needy down and kill The men of upright way. 15
But yet the sword which they have drawn Shall enter their own heart; Their bows which they are bending shall In broken pieces part. 16
The little that the righteous has Is more and better far Than great abundance many have Who wholly wicked are. 17
For wicked arms shall broken be; The Lord the just sustains. The Lord knows days of perfect men; Their heritage remains. 18
They shall not be ashamed when they The time of evil see; And when the days of famine come They satisfied shall be. 19
Psalm 37 Versus
But wicked men, Jehovah’s foes, Like meadow flow’rs are they; And they shall vanish; as does smoke They all shall fade away. 22
The wicked borrows, but his debt He never does repay; Whereas the righteous gracious is And freely gives away. 23
For those who have been blessed by Him Inherit shall the land; And those who have been cursed by Him, Cut off, shall no more stand. 24
Though he may stumble, he shall not Fall so he cannot stand, Because Jehovah is the One Who holds him by his hand. 25
I have been young, now many years Have o’er my life been spread; I’ve never seen the righteous left, His children begging bread. 26
All day he’s gracious and he lends; His sons a blessing are. Depart from evil, and do good, And dwell for evermore. 27
Because Jehovah justice loves And never leaves His own, They are preserved for evermore, But sinners overthrown. 28
Psalm 37 Versus
The righteous shall inherit earth, And ever in it dwell. The just man’s mouth will wisdom speak; His tongue will justice tell. 31
The law of God is in his heart; No stumbling steps he’ll make. The wicked spies upon the just And seeks his life to take. 32
The Lord will never leave the just Within the wicked’s hands, Nor let the righteous be condemned When he in judgment stands. 33
Wait on the Lord and keep His way; Exalt you then shall He That you inherit shall the land, The wicked’s ruin see. 34
I saw the wicked, ruthless man, A tree whose leaves abound; I passed one day and he was gone; Though sought, could not be found. 35
Consider well the perfect man; The upright watch and see; For certainly the man of peace Shall have posterity. 36
But those who are transgressors will Be wiped out on and all. Posterity of wicked men Will be cut off and fall. 37
Salvation of the righteous ones Is from the Lord alone. He will a perfect refuge be In times distress is known. 38
Jehovah helps and rescues them; He will deliver them From men; He will them save Because they trust in Him. 39
Have no disturbing thoughts about Those doing wickedly, And be not envious of those Who work inipuity 40