Introducing CGWeb Nikola Dimitroff Creating Genres
Table of Contents 1. CGWeb to the rescue Installing and configuring CGWeb Few helpful tips 2. Creating Tic-Tac-Toe with CGWeb
Provides abstractions to work with users, chat and game rooms for easing creating games with SignalR Is going to be rapidly developed and since we are a small team full of noobishness, we are accepting every proposal to the library
CGWeb (2) Installing and configuring CGWeb– a How-To Go to and download the library Add a reference in your project to the library Add the following to your web.config in the system.webServer tag:
CGWeb (3) Installing and configuring CGWeb– a How-To Remember to enable RAMMFAR. Aaand your done.
CGWeb (4) Use cookies/query string/forms to authenticate your user (note: the query string/forms data must have a “user” or “username” key). If you are rolling a different authentication approach – implement CGWeb.Services.IAuthenticator and register your authenticator trough the CGWeb.Services.ServiceManager
CGWeb (5) If you demand more than simply guest users, inherit from CGWeb.User and implement your own type. To create a game, you must do the following: Inherit your game from CGWeb.Games.Game Inherit the hub for the game from CGWeb.Hubs.GameHub Register your game trough the ServiceManager
CGWeb (6) Use the GameHub.GetConnectedClients method to communicate with the players in the current game. Note: The client will receive notifications in the games hub, not in your hub
CGWeb – live demo
CGWeb (7) That`s all for now folks, remember to keep tracking for updates. You`ll also find documentation (or at least something we pretend to be comprehensive and understandable) Come join us at Type /connect CGWeb to join our secret room and ask us whatever you feel like Contact us at / at any time for additional information, advice or