* On a sunny day, the fisher man took his boat out into the sea and went fishing. * He threw his net in the sea. * He caught lots of fish. There was some of every kind with different colors and shapes.
* When the net was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into containers but threw away the bad as it was useless and fit for nothing.
* Jesus said this parable to the multitude. * In this story, the fish represent us. * The good ones represents the Christians, but the bad ones are the ones that decide to live without Jesus. * At the end of the world, the angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous.
* The bad people will be put in a scary and dark fire. * But the good ones will be taken up to heaven to the everlasting life and listen to the sweet voice saying :
* Read our Bible * Pray * Love each other * Share with each other * Listen to our parents * Practice all10 commandments * And most importantly to have a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus. Always remember that he is our friend and He is always there for us.
When Cathy came back from Sunday school, she was a little confused and asked her mom :
Cathy’s mom answered her saying : Of course you have to start now. There’s no age when you should start living a Christian lifestyle. Now remember, being Christian is having a friendship with Jesus. And all these commandments we have in the church help us get closer to Him. Also we don’t know when the end of the world will be. So we always have to be ready. That way we can go to heaven.