Chapter #1 sections 1-4
Famous Quote: “You decide you'll wait for your pitch. Then as the ball starts toward the plate, you think about your stance. And then you think about your swing. And then you realize that the ball that went past you for a strike was your pitch.” - Bobby MurcerBobby Murcer
1) _____________, refers to the overall well-being of your mind, your body, and your relationships with other people. health 2) In the past, peoples length of life was not as long due to bad hygiene, illness, and poor eating habits. In today’s society, the average ____________________ has increased by 30 years due to health care, nutrition, sanitation, and working conditions. Life expectancy
3) Define: Quality of life? The degree of satisfaction a person gets from life. 4) An person works hard to reach this, can be short term/long term? Goals What short term Goals do you have for your career in school? Can you set the bar to high for yourself?
“The aspects of health that are important to overall well- being are physical, mental, emotional, and social health.” 5) Refers to how you react to events in your life? Emotional health 6) Getting along with others, in an atmosphere or environment? Social health 7) When you are this type of healthy, your mind is alert, focused, and aware of your surroundings? Mental health 8) Proper diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and proper medical care. These are examples of what? Physical health
Remember- All aspects of health are very important for your development as a young adult. A problem in one area, can affect other areas. 9) Out of the 4 aspects of health we defined. What 2 are almost the same when being characterized? Mental & Emotional Tell me why they are similar? “Think about your top 3 (mental, physical, social): if you were to put these into a Triangle. How or what could you do in your life to keep the triangle from getting uneven or lop sided?”
10) Traits that are passed/inherited “Biologically” from parent to child are called? Heredity 11) This type of “inheritance” can influence your health depending on if your male/female? Gender Food for thought- We all inherit certain traits from our parents, and some are good/bad. If you inherit a risk factor, you can lower your overall risk factor by avoiding risky situations. “If you have fair skin, you can be sure to use sunscreen.” -with fair skin, you have a higher chance of developing skin cancer, dark skin the chances are less. “Women who inherit risk factor for breast cancer, can choose not to smoke.” -smoking is another risk factor for breast cancer.
12) Both your “indoor” and “outdoor” surroundings? Physical environment 13) You spend time with family, friends, classmates, and people that are part of your community? Social environment 14) Define Culture? Belief’s and patterns of behavior that are shared by a group of people and passed down from “generation to generation.” “In some cultures people tend to eat whole-grain breads or include red meat in their diet.” –can this influence health? What is a type of Culture present in Montana? Native American Culture
“There are 3 steps you can take to help you meet your personal health goals.”- *Gaining awareness Recognize a health problem with yourself *Gaining knowledge Once you become aware of a problem, learn how to take care of it *Build Health skills Apply the knowledge you learn and use it to your advantage Taking action to avoid disease, injury, and other negative health out comes is what? Prevention
14) _____________, the standards and beliefs that is most important to you. Values 15) We talked about goal setting. Short/long term goals can be structured into a type of format for personal use? Action plan 16) This means to speak, and write in support of a person or issue? Advocate 17) Sharpening one’s ability to find new health information by using the internet, news paper, and magazines? Health literacy
“I buy a brand-name shampoo that costs twice as much as the store brand. The ads for the expensive shampoo say that it keeps your hair healthier. My Mother says that the store brand is just as good. Who is right? (which shampoo would you buy?) GenericBrand-name
18) ______________, buying products or services for personal use. Consumer Some factors too consider before buying a product: 19) Does Wall-Mart offer you a repair, or replacement product if there is a problem? What do they offer with a receipt? Warranty
20) Checking to see if there are other brands or other products that will give you that same result but lower price? Cost 21) Reading product labels, and other information supplied with the product to determine it’s “contents,” this promotes what? Safety
22- During your home TV time, this form of communication provides news, and entertainment? Media 23- you see this sign when you drive into Great Falls with a giant cheeseburger on it. This an example of? Advertisement “An add may say that a certain store is selling a product at the lowest possible price. Unless you check to see what the price is at other stores, you will not know if this claim is true.”
MethodMessageExample Scientific studiesScientific test prove the product is effective “Tests prove that you can lose 3 inches off your waste” (Contour Core) Bandwagon approachEveryone is using the product. You should too. “Everyone that cleans, uses the steam pocket mop” TestimonialThe product is effective because trustworthy people recommend it. “The medicine recommended by doctors and their families” (Nyquil) Comparison to other products The product is more effective than others. “Brand X now has 20% more painkiller than Brand Y” (Ibuprofen vs. Advil) Emotional AppealThe product is safest for you and your family. “Are you and your family in good hands?” (Allstate insurance) Price appealThe product gives you more for your money. “The next caller in 20 minutes, get’s collection at a reduced price.” (Golden Oldies CD’s)
24) Someone who lies to obtain money or property. Fraud 25) Health fraud is called what (think of a duck) Quackery “As a consumer, you have the right to information, the right to consumer protection by government agencies, and the right to complain.”
Study with partner for remainder of period Study tonight for test tomorrow Homework- when you sit down to watch your favorite show on TV, I want you to write down and advertisement you see during commercial break. Tell me: -Define: the product? -State: function? -Identify: the slogan? -Evaluate: prices/cost? -Discover: where can you obtain this?