26 th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28, 2014 FIRSTREADING Ezekiel 18:25-28
FIRST READING Ezekiel 18:25-28 The Hebrew people once believed that children inherit the guilt for their ancestors' sins, and that sinners cannot really reform.
FIRST READING Ezekiel 18:25-28 In the verses preceding today's reading, Ezekiel demolished those traditional beliefs. The people respond that God's ways are unfair!
26 th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28, 2014 SECOND READING John 10:27
SECOND READING John 10:27 Paul tells his dear friends that what will endear them to him even more is if they behave like Christ.
SECOND READING John 10:27 Paul describes Christ by quoting an even older Christian hymn.
26 th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28, 2014 GOSPEL Matthew 21:28-32
GOSPEL Jesus upbraids the religious leaders of his day for failing to recognize the hand of God at work in events of their lives.