Gustar vs. Encantar Gustar means “to like” and encantar means “to love”, but these English meanings can cause confusion.
Gustar (to be pleasing) has only two conjugations, because things that are pleasing to us are either singular or plural. Gusta (for things that are singular) Gustan (for things that are plural)
Encantar (to be delighting) works in the same manner: Encanta (for things that are singular) Encantan (for things that are plural)
GUSTAR and ENCANTAR do not use subject pronouns. Instead, they use indirect object pronouns. ME TE LE NOS OS LES to us to you all to them/ you all to me to you to him/ her/you
Indirect object pronouns are placed BEFORE conjugated verbs. Nos gustan las hamburguesas con queso. We love hamburgers with cheese. (Hamburgers with cheese are pleasing to us.)
When more than one thing is pleasing/enchanting, the verb is used in PLURAL form. Nos gustan las hamburguesas con queso. We love hamburgers with cheese. (Hamburgers with cheese are pleasing to us.)
To say that something pleases/delights you A LOT add… Me gusta la pizza mucho. I really like pizza. (Pizza pleases me a lot.)
To say that something doesn’t please/delight you AT ALL add… in front of the verb and at the end of the sentence.
To say that you don’t like NEITHER this NOR that, use… A mis padres no les gusta ni el café ni el té. My parents don’t like neither coffee nor tea. (Neither coffee nor tea pleases my parents.)
To clarify or emphasize who the object pleases/delights, use an “A” phrase. This is helpful when there is confusion on who the indirect object pronoun (me, te, le,nos, os, les) represents.
Often there is confusion with the object pronouns le and les. Les encantan sus clases could mean: They love their classes. You (all) love your classes. The boys love their classes. The teachers love their classes. And so forth…….
To relieve that confusion, we add “A” phrases. a mí a ti a él a ella a usted a nosotros, -as a ellos, -as a ustedes a + a name a + a noun “A” phrases emphasize and/or clarify
Therefore, A ellos les encantan sus clases becomes: They love their classes. The “A” phrase a ellos defines the subject as “they” without question.
Both GUSTAR and ENCANTAR use formulas to construct complete sentences: For objects: (No) + IOP + form of verb + definite article + object For activities: (No) + IOP + singular verb + infinitive NOTE: When liking/loving activities, the verb in always singular, no matter how many activities are liked/loved
Examples: Me gustan las papas fritas. Nos encanta jugar fútbol americano. ¿No te encanta la leche chocolate? A ellos no les gustan los huevos. NOTE: Subject pronouns are not used with gustar and encantar.
Translate the last 5 sentences in your notes: He doesn’t like vegetables at all. I love to eat breakfast. Do you like to share? They like fruit salad a lot. We don’t like neither hot dogs nor hamburgers.
Check your work: A él no le gustan las verduras nada. Me encanta comer el desayuno. ¿Te gusta compartir? A ellos les gusta la ensalada de frutas mucho. No nos gustan ni los perritos calientes ni las hamburguesas.
So… what do you remember? What verb means “to be delighting”? GUSTAR has __ forms: _____ and ____. We don’t use subject pronouns with GUSTAR and ENCANTAR. We use ______ ______ _______. To avoid confusion when using “le” and “les”, add an __ _____ to the sentence. To say that you like something a lot use _____. To say that you don’t like neither this nor that, use ___...___. pluralsingular indirectobject pronouns phraseA 2 mucho ni ENCANTAR