C LADOGRAMS AND K EYS Trees of Evolutionary Relatedness Identifying Organisms
BR: P LANT EVOLUTION C LADOGRAM Ancestral photosynthetic prokaryote Mosses Vascular, seedless land plants Flowering Plants Green Algae A B 1. _____ Seeds in reproduction 2. _____ Waxy cuticle and vascular tissue 3._____First multi-cellular plant (internal reproductive structures) 4. _____ First plants to live on moist land 5. _____First photosynthetic eukaryote C D E
O BJECTIVES AND HOMEWORK To explain in your own words what a cladogram is. Identify the different parts of a cladogram. Be able to explain the relationships among organisms in a cladogram. To understand the purpose of dichotomous keys and to use one to identify organisms. Homework: Make your own cladogram based on the wksht. On your cladogram, circle a node and explain what it represents List the two organisms that are most closely related and what adaptation(s) gave rise to those organisms
CLADOGRAMS : RELATIONSHIPS LOOK LIKE T REES How are these trees similar? How are they different? Family Tree Tree of Life
H OW TO READ A CLADOGRAM Common ancestor Evolutionary event (adaptation) Common ancestor of: ________ Descendant of _____ Which organism is the most ancient according to the cladogram? What adaptation occurred that gave rise to the perch fish?
S OME CLADOGRAM VOCAB Nodes- The point at which new species will branch off of ancestor Branches- The descendants of the ancestors Clade- The group of organisms including ancestor and all descendants of that ancestor AEDC B Common ancestor node Node: ancestor of D and E Branch: descendant of common ancestor
W HAT DOES THE CLADOGRAM TELL YOU ? Broad evolutionary relationships (evolution of plant kingdom) Specific evolutionary relationships (evolution of a particular genus of tropical fish) Particular characteristic and how that evolves (evolution of stripes in a genus of tropical fish)
What is this a cladogram of? Find a node and describe what it represents Which species are most closely related?
What does the red line represent? Which hominids are humans most closely related to? Which primates? Which primates are humans least closely related to? What is this a cladogram of?
N OW P RACTICE Team up with a partner to answer questions about the three cladograms (7 min)
D ICHOTOMOUS KEYS 1. Does it have feathers? Yes (go to 2) No (go to 3) 2. Does it swim? Yes---Duck No ---Hen 3. Does it have legs? Yes---Lizard No---Snake
HOMEWORK Homework: Make your own cladogram based on the wksht. On your cladogram, circle a node and explain what it represents List two organisms that areclosely related and what adaptation(s) gave rise to those organisms
M AKE YOUR O WN D ICHOTOMOUS KEY Make up names for the 6 butterflies Decide what characteristics you will use to group the butterflies Create a flow chart style key