TITD: 1/26 and 1/27 On your “What is Cladistics?” paper make sure you have answered all 8 questions and used CUBS on all paragraphs. We will be going over your answers in 10 minutes. C ircle – will be done as a class U nderline – important facts and information B ox – vocabulary S tar – questions
TITD: 1/26 and 1/27 1. What is CLADISTICS?
TITD: 1/26 and 1/27 2. Differentiate between primitive and derived characteristics
TITD: 1/26 and 1/27 3. Define the following terms; plesiomorphic symplesimorphic apomorphic autapomorphic synapomorphic sister group (clade)
TITD: 1/26 and 1/27 4. What does a note represent?
TITD: 1/26 and 1/27 5. Explain the difference between monophyletic, paraphyletic, and poyphyletic groupings.
TITD: 1/26 and 1/27 6. Why are reptiles a paraphyletic group?
TITD: 1/26 and 1/27 7. Why does convergent evolution complicate cladistics analysis?
TITD: 1/26 and 1/27 8. What is the principle of parsimony?
Chapter 17. 2 NOTES You have 2 minutes to collect your notebook from the front of the class room.
KEY CONCEPT Modern classification is based on evolutionary relationships.
Cladistics is classification based on common ancestry. Phylogeny is the evolutionary history for a group of species. evidence from living species, fossil record, and molecular data shown with branching tree diagrams
Cladistics is a common method to make evolutionary trees. classification based on common ancestry species placed in order that they descended from common ancestor
A cladogram is an evolutionary tree made using cladistics. A clade is a group of species that shares a common ancestor. Each species in a clade shares some traits with the ancestor. Each species in a clade has traits that have changed.
basis of arranging species in cladogram Derived characters are traits shared in different degrees by clade members. FOUR LIMBS WITH DIGITS Tetrapoda clade 1 Amniota clade 2 Reptilia clade 3 Diapsida clade 4 Archosauria clade 5 EMBRYO PROTECTED BY AMNIOTIC FLUID OPENING IN THE SIDE OF THE SKULL SKULL OPENINGS IN FRONT OF THE EYE & IN THE JAW FEATHERS & TOOTHLESS BEAKS. SKULL OPENINGS BEHIND THE EYE DERIVED CHARACTER basis of arranging species in cladogram more closely related species share more derived characters represented on cladogram as hash marks
Nodes represent the most recent common ancestor of a clade. FOUR LIMBS WITH DIGITS CLADE Tetrapoda clade 1 Amniota clade 2 Reptilia clade 3 Diapsida clade 4 Archosauria clade 5 Clades can be identified by snipping a branch under a node. FEATHERS AND TOOTHLESS BEAKS. SKULL OPENINGS IN FRONT OF THE EYE AND IN THE JAW OPENING IN THE SIDE OF THE SKULL SKULL OPENINGS BEHIND THE EYE EMBRYO PROTECTED BY AMNIOTIC FLUID DERIVED CHARACTER NODE
Molecular evidence reveals species’ relatedness. Molecular data may confirm classification based on physical similarities. Molecular data may lead scientists to propose a new classification. DNA is usually given the last word by scientists.
PRACTICE Get out a sheet of notebook paper Title is CLADISTICS PRACTICE Do NOT forget your Name, the date, and class period
PRACTICE Lancelet 1 1 1 1 1 TAXA Salamander Leopard Lancelet Lamprey CHARACTERS TAXA Lancelet Lamprey Tuna Salamander Turtle Leopard Hair Amniotic (shelled) egg Four Walking legs Hinged jaws Vertebral column (backbone) Lancelet 1 1 1 1 1
YOUR TURN Using the character traits and animals below create your data chart, Venn diagram and Cladogram on the back of your practice paper due at the end of class. Lamprey Shark Salamander Lizard Tiger Gorilla Human Bipedal No tail Hair Amniotic membrane Lungs Jaws