SB5Students will evaluate the role of natural selection in the development of the theory of evolution. b.Explain the history of life in terms of biodiversity,


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Presentation transcript:

SB5Students will evaluate the role of natural selection in the development of the theory of evolution. b.Explain the history of life in terms of biodiversity, ancestry, and the rates of evolution. Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution Georgia Performance Standards for Biology In your notebook, write down the similarities between the two sisters on the left and the two Elvis impersonators on the right. WARMUP FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Do they look alike for the same reasons? Sisters Elvis impersonators

Do they look alike for the same reasons? Similarities are inherited Sisters Elvis impersonators Similarities are due to other reasons Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution

Similarities are important in biology. Some traits shared by two living things are inherited from an ancestor. Sisters Elvis impersonators Some similarities evolved in other ways. Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution

Similarities are important in biology. Some traits shared by two living things are inherited from an ancestor. Sisters Elvis impersonators Some similarities evolved in other ways. Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution

Similarities are important in biology. Some traits shared by two living things are inherited from an ancestor. Some similarities evolved in other ways. dog paw human hand butterfly wing bird wing Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution

Similarities are important in biology. Some traits shared by two living things are inherited from an ancestor. Some similarities evolved in other ways. dog paw human hand butterfly wing bird wing HOMOLOGOUSANALOGOUS Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution

Similarities are important in biology. VESTIGIAL Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution Some traits may become reduced or lose their function. Example: Python limb buds

Comparative Anatomy: Scientists compare the anatomy of different organisms to figure out how closely they are related. Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution

Frayer Models for Comparative Anatomy Terms Homologous Vestigial Analogous Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution Definition Example Word Support for Evolution? Non-Example

Comparative Anatomy Terms Lesson Focus: Evidence for Evolution Homologous – anatomically similar structures inherited from a common ancestor Vestigial – structures inherited from a common ancestor which become reduced in size or lose their function over the course of evolution Analogous – structures with similar functions but different constructions; NOT inherited from a common ancestor