Why did Pinocchio begin to jump and dance round the room next morning? Geppetto bought a school- book for Pinocchio. Geppetto made nice clothes for Pinocchio. Geppetto made new feet for Pinocchio. Geppetto put on his coat and ran out of the house.
Why did Geppetto sell his coat? Geppetto’s coat was too warm for him. Geppetto didn’t have money to buy nice clothes for Pinocchio. Geppetto’s coat was very old and he wanted to buy a new one. Geppetto didn’t have money to buy a school-book for Pinocchio.
What did Pinocchio do when he saw that his father was very kind? Pinocchio jumped up and kissed Geppetto. Pinocchio began to jump and dance round the room. Pinocchio jumped into the room through the window. Pinocchio took off his cap and held it out.
What did Pinocchio do in the morning? In the morning Pinocchio… …went out of the house with the school-book under his arm. … came up to the showman and kissed him. …went to the theatre. … sold his father’s coat.
What did Pinocchio want to do with his first money? With his first money Pinocchio wanted… …to buy a school-book. … to buy a beautiful new coat for his father. …to buy a ticket to the theatre. … to buy a big placard for the theatre.
Why couldn’t Pinocchio go to the theatre? Pinocchio couldn’t go to the theatre because… … he wanted to go to school. … he had no money to buy a ticket. … he was afraid of the showman. … there were many people there.
What did the puppets do, when the showman came? When the showman came, the puppets… …were very frightened. … began to laugh. …were very sorry for him. …ran up to him and kissed him.
Why did the showman want to put Pinocchio on fire? The showman wanted to put Pinocchio on fire because… … he was very cold. … he wanted to make a good dinner. … Pinocchio was very cold. … he was frightened.
What did Pinocchio tell the showman? Pinocchio told the showman that … … he wanted to make a good dinner. … he had no money to buy a ticket to the theatre. … he had no Mama. … he liked Harlequin and Punchinello very much.
What did Pinocchio do with the showman? Pinocchio ran up to the showman and … … hit him on the nose with his foot. … began to cry. … began to dance. … kissed him on the nose.
What did the showman tell Pinocchio? The showman told Pinocchio… … to kiss the puppets and run home. … to buy a warm coat for Geppetto. … to give three gold pieces to Harlequin. … to give five gold pieces to his father.
Whom did Pinocchio meet on his way home? On his way home Pinocchio… … met a bird who was blind. … met Punchinello and Harlequin. … met his old friends. … met a Fox and a Cat.