Some say…… * A goal is the desired result that an individual or a group envisions, and a lot of effort is given to achieve this end result. * A goal is a destination to where you want to be in life. * A goal is a step-by-step process in achieving something you want. 2
* Setting career goal gives you a direction and motivation to move forward to achieving the things you want to achieve. * Career goals keep you from being stagnant, and it pushes you to follow your dreams. * Career goals allow you to have a job that you have passion for and that gives meaning to your life. 3
* Some get comfortable with a role and it becomes a routine. * Their goals starts fading away when they realize that the money is the only thing fulfilling in their job. * Others get too caught up in their work and other things that they don’t have time to stop and set career goals. 4
* Long-term goals: goals that you will achieve in a longer period of time. Usually in a 3-5 year time period. * Short-term goals: goals that you will achieve in the near future. Usually within a 3 year time period. * Short-term goals are often little stops toward your long-term goals. 5
* Both long-term and short-term goals are important in career goal setting. Short-term goals help you stay motivated while you work towards your long-term goals. Long-term goal is the big picture of where you want to be years from now. Breaking down goals into more manageable goals allow you to see how possible it is to reach your bigger goal. It’s easier taking baby steps than one big giant leap. 6
* Ask yourself: “How far do I want to go in my career?” “What do I want to achieve?” “Is this really the career I want to pursue?” * Define your goals precisely and concisely. Be specific on what it is that you really want. Also, set dates on when you want to accomplish certain goals. * Write your goals down. 7
* Set realistic goals. Don’t set yourself up to fail. Make goals that you can achieve. * Learn to prioritize your goals. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many goals. Focus on the most important one. * Be flexible. If you come across barriers that slows your progress, don’t give up on your goals. Modify them to meet your current circumstance. 8
9 * Make sure that an action is tied to each goal. * Once you set your goals, stay on course. Keep your eye on the goal, and don’t forget to review and update your To-Do List regularly. * Remember, to always be positive. The way you think and talk to yourself has a direct effect on your inner being. You’ll be more effective in accomplishing your goals if you believe in yourself.
* Growth. Think about how you can increase your personal growth from your career (ex: increase knowledge and obtain new skills). * Contribution. Think of what purpose you have in your career. What are you contributing to others in your line of work? * Be an expert. Your expertise in your line of work tells you apart from everyone else. It gives you value professionally. 10
* Financial rewards. In a monetary sense, your payment should be equivalent to what you and your contribution deserves. It should also meet your needs. Don’t settle for less. * Have a mentor. A mentor can help direct your path to your career goal. Having someone that you can talk to and who has already experienced what you’re going through can make the process easier. * Alignment. Your goals should align with what’s important to you and what you desire. 11
* Whatever goal you may set, be happy whenever you reach it. * Learn to take pride in your achievements. * Be happy for even the little things you have accomplished because it means you’re a step closer to your big dreams. * Once you reach your goal, make another one. Never stop setting goals because it helps you make the very most of your life. 12