Restructuring Montserrat
Homework Complete the Montserrat restructuring sheet. Complete your year by year plan of what you buy in each of the 4 years to a maximum of £21million.
It is now time for the next step… RECONTRUCTING the Island. In recent lessons… We looked at and worked out the problems and issues surrounding the Eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano in Montserrat in 1997. It is now time for the next step… RECONTRUCTING the Island.
Learning and lesson outcomes By the end of the lesson you will – Be able to recognise the differences between short and long term needs of the people of Montserrat Take part in Decision-making exercise and draw up an action plan for sustainable development.
What do people need to survive? Clean water Food Sanitation Housing/Shelter Health care
What do they need to thrive? Power Education Jobs Farmland Law and order Transport
Sustainable Development Development to improve the quality of peoples’ lives, without harming the environment or other people, now or in the future.
Factors to consider in your plan Social: About people, their life in society and their community. What have you done to improve the communities and make the people feel they belong to them. Political: About government, control and decision making. How have you enabled the island be governed and decisions to be made? Power: Energy- how is energy e.g. electricity provided to the communities you are rebuilding? Why is it needed? Economic: About money. What have you planned to enable the islanders to make the money they need? Employment Economic activity- What jobs has your plan created for the islanders? Communications: Transport- Roads, ports and airports to move goods, resources and people. Utilities: Organisations supplying basic needs- clean water, sewage systems, rubbish disposal
Your plan needs to provide for these needs for the Islanders Social: About people, their life in society and their community. What have you done to improve the communities and make the people feel they belong to them Political: About government, control and decision making. How have you enabled the island be governed and decisions to be made? Power: Energy- how is energy e.g. electricity provided to the communities you are rebuilding? Why is it needed? Economic: About money. What have you planned to enable the islanders to make the money they need? Employment- economic activity- What jobs has your plan created for the islanders? Communications- Transport- Roads, ports,and airports to move goods, resources and people. Utilities- organisations supplying basic needs- clean water, sewage systems, rubbish disposal
Task – Constructing and rebuilding Montserrat You are taking on the role of restructuring engineers employed to help the Montserrat government and Governor (ME) Using the resources given to you, you are going to decide, prioritise, engineer and map the new developments for Montserrat. The re-development MUST be Sustainable. Since the mass evacuation of 8000 refugees, the government wish to now rebuild the country, offering the people of Montserrat a country and home to be once again be proud of. This will be achieved in two stages 10
Stage 1 Resource – Montserrat restructuring matrix Map of Montserrat Using the matrix you must decide what items are needed in the best interest of Montserrat for the country to redevelop In the left hand column are items which are available to choose for restructuring The Infrastructure categories include – Power Communication Utilities Social Education Political Health Emergency services Economic and Environmental
Restructuring restrictions Unfortunately there is a limited amount of money to spend The total budget available £84 million over 4 years. There is also a maximum yearly amount of £21 million that must not be exceeded The cost of each infrastructure is set in the third column. The cost of items marked with an * can be spread over 2 years.
So in pairs decide on what your highest priorities are and build them into your action plan over the 4 years. However, you are restricted to spend £21 million pounds each year.
Remember do not go over £21 million per year. Jobs to do Job 1 - Discuss with your group what the people of Montserrat need. There are 45 available items to choose from. Job 2 - To make this easier use the priority column to rate each entry 1 = very important 4 = insignificant Job 3 - Once you have gone through each item you must decide how you are going to spend the allotted money and in which year you plan to build each structure. Think carefully about your decision you will need to explain and justify it later. Job 4 - Record your decisions on the matrix and action plan forms. Remember do not go over £21 million per year. To make some decisions more cost efficient you can spend the construction cross over two years. These are shown on the matrix as *.
The Action Plan for rebuilding Monserrat Record your decisions and reasons on these pages