Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah …
Biblical Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Ezra Teaches The LawNehemiah Builds The Walls
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Overview “Remnant” = a small remaining piece Often re: things (fabric, carpet, etc.) Also re: people in the Scripture Spiritual Jer 23:1-8 Rom 11:1-5 Mt 7: :14
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Overview “Remnant” = a small remaining piece Often re: things (fabric, carpet, etc.) Also re: people in the Scripture Physical Isa 10:20-23
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Overview Both Israel & Judah guilty of idolatry… both carried off into captivity Israel in 721 B.C. Ù not a kingdom again Judah in 586 B.C. Ù captive in Babylon for 70 years 2 Chron 36:21-23 Jer 25: : :10 Dan 9:2
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Overview God promised a “remnant” would return to their promised home The last of the O.T. history books conclude this story…told by Ezra & Nehemiah Prophets Haggai, Zechariah, & Malachi add other details
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Overview Emphasis on remnant = “renewed” Identity as God’s people had been destroyed Consequences for sin had to be paid Only through God’s grace would there be a 2nd chance…the people would have to “renew” their commitment to serve Him
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Overview Emphasis on remnant = “renewed” Not everyone went back Ezra 1:4 Many chose to remain in Persia with their successful lives Jer 29:1-7 Most likely, only the spiritually-minded would have come back to rebuild Jerusalem
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Historical Perspective Remembering the chronological order of events helps with such a study Information from both secular and Biblical history provides such a “framework”
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah DateEvent 605 B.C. Babylon defeats Egypt at Carchemish Nebuchadnezzar learns his father dies… races back to Babylon claim the throne 1st group of captives taken Dan 1:1-2 2 Kings 24:1 2 Chron 36:6-7 Jer 46:2 (70 years of captivity begins) 586 B.C. Jerusalem finally falls to Babylon… the city is destroyed
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah DateEvent 539 B.C. Under Cyrus the Great, the coalition of Medes & Persians defeat Babylon Cyrus’ order allows all captives to return to their homelands & petition their gods on his behalf [he was a “polytheist”] Of special interest was his decree re: the Jews Isa 44:24 – 25:17 Ezra 1: B.C. Zerubbabel leads 1st return to Jerusalem The objective : rebuild the temple Ezra 1-6
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah DateEvent 520 B.C. God sends prophets Haggai & Zechariah to encourage the people to finish building The rebuilding work had been stopped for approx. 16 years due to opposition from outside, indifference from within 516 B.C. The temple is completed Ezra 6:15 Story Of Esther (Jews still in Persia) can be inserted between Ezra 6-7.
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah DateEvent 445 B.C. Nehemiah leads 3rd return to Jerusalem The objective : rebuild the city walls Neh 1:1 – 2:5 458 B.C. Ezra leads 2nd return to Jerusalem The objective : rebuild the “spiritual infrastructure” of the people Ezra 7-10
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Ezra Biblical emphasis on preparation To teach God’s word to correct spiritual indifference and ignorance 7:25 Jews had been back nearly 80 years Idolatry was no longer the problem… apathy had made inroads into the remnant
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Ezra Biblical emphasis on preparation God had sent 2 prophets some 62 years earlier to address their indifference Ezra illustrates the importance of dedicated study to teach others 7:10
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Ezra Also provides a good illustration of what is demanded by repentance Ezra 9-10 The remnant was starting back down paths that had gotten them in trouble 9:1-2 They violated the Law Deut 7:1-5
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Ezra Also provides a good illustration of what is demanded by repentance Ezra 9-10 Repentance demands “fruit”…no matter how “emotional” the issue or how difficult it may be to produce
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Nehemiah Classical Biblical essay on leadership The remnant had been back nearly 90 years Conditions still “distressing” 1:3 5:1-5 Indications also show they had not been faithful in observing feasts 8:13-18
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Nehemiah Aspects that made him a great leader… He put his priorities in the right order 1:11 2:5 He was a man devoted to prayer 1:5-11 2:4 4:4-5, 9 5:19 6:14 13:29
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Nehemiah Aspects that made him a great leader… He shows how to handle adversity Opposition from without 2: :1-8 6:1-13 Discouragement from within 3:5 4:5, :1-19
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Application In many ways, we are like the post-exilic Jews Studying these 2 books will help us to apply Bible-based principles in our present-day situations
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Application Just like them… …we are a “remnant” Mt 7: :14 (small numbers can be discouraging) …we have returned from our “captivity” to serve God Jn 8: Cor 6:19-20 (we must not return to old behavior)
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Lesson 1 – General Introduction Application Just like them… …we must “set our hearts” re: God’s word Psa 119:10-11 Col 3:16 2 Tim 2:2 …we are engaged in a “building project” 1 Pet 2:4-5 (opponents without & discouragement within)
Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah …