P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC University M&O Personnel University with major hardware responsibility at CERN Based on > 10 years of US Zeus experience Ph.D. Physicists (2) Responsible for daily hardware operations Calibration, monitoring, analysis, diagnostics, repairs, test facilities Work with, supervise and train students on hardware duties Coordination with rest of experiment Physics Analysis and supervision of student physics analyses Studies, R&D and eventual work on upgrades Students (6) Beginning (2) Learning, serve on hardware shifts Intermediate (2) Responsible for hardware shifts, begin physics analysis Senior (2) Released for thesis work, available for consultation, assistance, shifts Graduated: Next generation of LHC Postdocs
P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC LHC Upgrades : SLHC Increase Luminosity x 10 to Decrease Bunch Crossing Interval x2 to 12.5 ns Detector changes & performance studied for this. >2015: Energy Upgrade? Increase LHC beam energy to 14 TeV (E cm = 28 TeV) Replace LHC dipoles: magnets with a nominal dipole field btw and 16.5 T, would provide 1-2 T safety Equip SPS with superconducting magnets & inject into LHC at 1 TeV Long term future for the program
P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC SLHC Physics - I Electroweak: 4 gauge boson final states & triple boson production in boson- boson fusion observable Test of quintuple couplings (vanish in SM) Measure Triple, Quadruple Gauge boson Couplings TGC parameters in range (~0.001) expected from SM Radiative Corrections. QGC parameter limits improve up to x 2.5 over LHC Higgs Physics: H ( GeV) Z measured at 11 level gg H ( GeV) seen at 5 level Couplings to fermions, bosons measured at 10% precision gg HH ( GeV): Higgs self couplings ~20% precision
P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC SLHC Physics - II Higgs Searches Regions of the MSSM parameter space where the various Higgs bosons can be discovered at 5 at the LHC (for 300 fb -1 per experiment and both experiments combined) through their decays into SM particles. To the left of the rightmost contour at least two Higgs bosons can be discovered at the SLHC (for 3000 fb -1 per experiment and both experiments combined).
P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC SLHC Physics - III Strongly Coupled Vector Bosons: W L Z L resonance at 1.5 TeV observable Z L Z L resonance at 750 GeV observable Rare Top Decays: Improved sensitivity: t q qg (x4), qZ (x10) New Gauge Bosons: Discovery Reach: 5.3 TeV (LHC) 6.5 TeV (SLHC) SUSY: squarks, gluinos: 2.5 TeV (LHC) 3 TeV (SLHC) Extra Dimensions: Resonances: ~6 TeV (LHC) ~7.7 TeV (SLHC)
P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC SLHC Detector R&D - I Inner Tracker: rebuild r < 20 cm: new approach, 20 < r < 60 cm: extend pixel technology, 60 cm < r: extend strip technology New approaches: defect-engineered Si, 3D detectors, new sensor materials, cryogenic Si, monolithic pixels Calorimetry: usable with caveats ATLAS (Liquid Argon): space charge, HV distribution Investigate alternative liquids (krypton, cold dense gas) CMS (xtal ECAL, scint. HCAL): Endcap scint. Damage Investigate more radiation tolerant scintillator Modify readout & trigger electronics for crossing ID Muon Systems: usable up to high Replace front end readout & trigger electronics Additional Shielding needed
P5 Meeting - Jan , US LHC SLHC Detector R&D - II Trigger: rebuild for 12.5 ns Double operational frequency from 40 MHz to 80 MHz Processing & data transfer Design for much higher rejection power for pileup to retain output rate of 100 kHz Exploit newer generation programmable devices DAQ: evolve to higher performance Increase in bandwidth due to increase in event size. Use new commercial network technologies Issue: Control & management of 10K CPU farms.