“Making Strides in Haiti” Kate Leahy Storyboard for REBUILD globally
Approximately 15 seconds The screen begins black, fairly slow instrumental music fades in The video will open with the camera scanning various landscapes in Haiti (slowly) Overtop of the landscapes, statistics of the unemployment issue in Haiti fade in one at a time
(Continued) “Unemployment rate is 40.6%” “More than 2/3 of the labor force do not have formal jobs” “Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with a majority of the population living under the poverty line…”
Approximately 40 seconds The instrumental music in the background picks up to a more upbeat and positive vibe Footage of REBUILD globally’s artisans in their workshops (tires, recycled materials, Strides sandals) The music lowers a little and narration comes in Narration in background: Julie Colombino explaining in a very simple and concise way the idea behind the organization. (Which she will choose what to say and what is most important to her as the founder)
Approximately 15 Seconds The video fades to black Phrases start to fade in filling up the screen “dignified living wage” “the art of craftsmanship” “hard-working men and women” “taking control of their lives” “13 Artisans Employed” “First generation home- owners” “Strides Sandals” “4014 Tires Recycled” “44 Children Educated” “288 Lives Impacted”
Approximately 10 Seconds Real-life footage of all of REBUILD globally’s artisans outside of their workspace in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti They say as a group with enthusiasm, “REBUILD globally making Strides for a better tomorrow” Camera zooms out The picture begins to fade out The music begins to fade
Approximately 6 seconds The screen goes black The music fades out Ending with RG’s logo