Benefits of the new EAM release QAD West Coast Users Group Presenter: Kate Fenello EAM 12.8
What is Enterprise Asset Management? 12.8 Objectives and Enhancements Data Collection Joint Development Agenda Benefits of the new EAM Release 2
Have you ever felt like this? 3
Integrated plant operation solution that enables companies to operate plants smoothly -Keeps Equipment running at the lowest cost Manages Plant Maintenance -Schedules preventative maintenance based on elapsed time or run hours -Goal is to minimize equipment downtime to support productions -Tracks equipment repairable cost Manages MRO Inventory and Purchasing -Insures the right levels of repairable items are on hand to repair equipment -Provides tight purchasing control ensuring items are purchased from the best supplier offering competitive prices that can also meet delivery schedules Project Accounting -Plans, tracks and controls project budgets and spending data for capital, expense and customer funded type projects What is Enterprise Asset Management? Benefits of the new EAM Release 5
Stabilize the product Enhancements -Maintenance Production Driven Maintenance Work Order Document print -Inventory Rotable Items -Purchasing Suppress approval passwords -Integration Financial Audit report -Usability Custom Programs Release Objectives Benefits of the new EAM Release 6
Stabilization Benefits of the new EAM Release 7
V12.8 Meets QAD’s Quality Standards Tremendous focus on Quality -Reduced backlog -Implemented Test Scripts 8
Version 12.8 – Stable Release Benefits of the new EAM Release 9
September Version 12.8 Benefits of the new EAM Release 10
Maintenance -Production Driven Maintenance -Work Order Document print Inventory -Rotable Items Purchasing -Suppress approval passwords Integration -Financial Audit report Usability -Custom Programs 12.8 Enhancements Benefits of the new EAM Release 11
12 Production Driven Maintenance Benefits of the new EAM Release
Let’s talk about the basics -Your Car Change oil every 6 months or 3,000 miles Manufacturing -Production Equipment Routine Maintenance -Calendar -Hours -Products Produced Production Driven Maintenance Benefits of the new EAM Release 13
Manufacturing Stamping Company -Tools are added to stamping machines that produces parts Important to maintain tools in the right time If not, tools could produce bad parts -Just in time maintenance Not over maintaining or under maintaining Improves parts quality Challenge -Technician go to all production runs and manually take reading then update a system Readings are old before they get into the system Requirement -Automate the process -Take production usage data and load directly to an EAM Maintenance program Production Driven Maintenance Benefits of the new EAM Release 14
15 Production Driven Maintenance -Schedule maintenance based on actual production data from ERP Establish relationships between ERP and EAM records Automatically updates PM templates and triggers PM due dates Overview of Enhancement Benefits of the new EAM Release Table: opt_hist Work Center = L100 Machine = 60 Tool = T50 Part = F105 Qty = 5,000 UOM Conversion Part F105 = 2 cycles per 5,000 parts = 10,000 cycles Equipment Mapping MFGPRO EAM L = Press- A T50 = Die-10 Equipment (Press-A) Sub-component A Sub-component B Tool / Die (Die-10) EAM Equipment Structure Create PM Work Orders
16 Rotable Inventory Benefits of the new EAM Release
17 What’s inside the MRO Storeroom? -Low dollar expendable items (nuts and bolts) -High dollar repairable items that are maintained and re-used We call those items ROTABLE INVENTORY -Motors, Pumps How is Rotable Inventory Managed? -It rotates from Inventory to Equipment to Rebuild for repair back to Inventory -Movement history is visible so you know at all times where the motor is used -Cost to repair are tracked Overview of Enhancement Benefits of the new EAM Release
18 Where did I put that Motor? Benefits of the new EAM Release
20 Inventory MOTOR (qty 1) Serial 3 Equipment Serial 2 Rebuild Serial 1 Repair cost $500 Rotable Inventory Benefits of the new EAM Release
21 Rotable Movement Benefits of the new EAM Release Inventory MOTOR (qty 3) Serial 1 Serial 2 Serial 3 Equipment Rebuild
22 Rotable Movement Benefits of the new EAM Release Inventory MOTOR (qty 2) Serial 2 Serial 3 Equipment Serial 1 Rebuild
23 Inventory MOTOR (qty 1) Serial 3 Equipment Serial 2 Rebuild Serial 1 Repair cost $500 Rotable Movement Benefits of the new EAM Release
24 Inventory MOTOR (qty 2) Serial 1 ($500) Serial 3 Equipment Serial 2 Rebuild Rotable Movement Benefits of the new EAM Release
25 Suppress Next Approver Password Benefits of the new EAM Release
26 Purchasing challenges: -High volume purchase request for MRO items -Upper Management wants limited key strokes Purchasing requests: -Expedite approval process -Remove extra password entry -Global authorize Suppress Next Approver Password Benefits of the new EAM Release
27 Suppress and Go Benefits of the new EAM Release
28 Suppress password for Requisition Next Approver Suppress password for Purchase Order Next Approver Overview of Enhancement Benefits of the new EAM Release
29 Running a Custom Program Benefits of the new EAM Release
30 Custom Programs Benefits of the new EAM Release
31 IT challenges: -IT creates custom queries but has to maintain outside of EAM product -Extra work to secure per user IT request: -Add directly in EAM Menu -Secured by role EAM now has same core product capabilities in managing custom programs as the ERP Custom Programs EAM 12.8 – Additional Enhancements
32 Print Work Order Attachments Benefits of the new EAM Release
33 Does this Technician look prepared? Benefits of the new EAM Release
34 Print Attachments -External Links -Work Order -Single Print Print Work Order Attachments Benefits of the new EAM Release
35 Print Work Order Attachments Benefits of the new EAM Release
36 GL Validation Report – EE only Benefits of the new EAM Release
37 Is this what month end close looks like? Benefits of the new EAM Release
38 Finance’s Challenges: -Discrepancies can occur between EAM and EE’s GL Accounting data (ie; chart of account changes) -Invalid GL postings Finance’s Requests: -Proactive in managing discrepancies before transaction occur -Account GL Validation Report Specifies which record, location and actual CC/Acct/Sub is invalid Overview of Enhancement Benefits of the new EAM Release
39 notification and CVS Report GL Validation Report – EE only Benefits of the new EAM Release
Data Collection / Barcode Label Printing Benefits of the new EAM Release 40
EAM 2015 – Data Collection / Label printing Benefits of the new EAM Release
Issue Part to Project/Job Benefits of the new EAM Release Inventory Transaction History
Issue Part to Project/Job Benefits of the new EAM Release Project Cost Analysis
Adjust Inventory Record Benefits of the new EAM Release
Adjust Inventory Record Benefits of the new EAM Release Before After
EAM 2015 – Data Collection / Label printing Benefits of the new EAM Release QAD EAM is looking for Joint Development Partners EAM or and Progress OE10.2b.06
Control the Chaos and get in Control Benefits of the new EAM Release 47
Enterprise Asset Management 12.8!! Benefits of the new EAM Release 48
Save the Date for Explore 2015
Questions / Discussion Benefits of the new EAM Release 50