Arabian Peninsula Kaaba – Built by Abraham to honor the 1 true God. Site was a very holy place but it was overrun by idols. 250 miles 1. A.D. 570 – Muhammad is born. 2. Many men, including Muhammad, worked for caravans, hauling goods to different parts of the Arabian peninsula – Muhammad is hired to lead a caravan for Khadija. He will soon marry her. 4. A.D. 610 – The Angel Gabriel appears to Muhammad telling him to “Recite!”. Over the next 22 years he will share 78,000 words, all coming in revelations to Muhammad and now in the Quran. 5. A.D. 619 – “The Night Journey”- Muhammad awakened by Gabriel and rides a winged mule from Mecca to Jerusalem. There he rises to heaven and is commanded to pray 5 times daily The Hegira – Muhammad is asked to come to Medina to deal with a divided city. Year 1 on the Muslim Calendar – Muhammad rules Medina. Has many conflicts with Jews – Muhammad marches on Mecca with 10,000 soldiers – At 63 years old, Muhammad dies while ruling over Mecca.
Prophet’s Mosque in Medina
Comparing the Founders Key EventsJesusMuhammad Birth/Childhood Key Locations Born of a virgin. Little is known of childhood. Born in Bethlehem. Crucified in Jerusalem. Born in 590 A.D. Was an orphan by 6. Born in Mecca. His first followers were in Medina. He ascended into heaven in Jerusalem. He returned to Mecca as their spiritual leader. Occupation CarpenterTraded with a caravan. Worked for Khadija. Message/Ministry Accepted Jewish teachings. But taught that teachings life would bring eternal life to his followers. He ministered for 3 years. That God was going to clear things up through his revelations to him, the last and greatest prophet. He ministered from 610 until 632. Who followed them? At first, Jews. Through Paul, his teachings travel to much of the former Greek and Roman Empire (Gentiles). People in Medina. Followed by Mecca. The faith would unite many Arabs. How did they spread their message? Through the 12 disciples and the early church. Through uniting Arab cultures. How do believers interpret them? The Incarnation of God. His sacrifice saves all believers. The last and greatest prophet although not divine. What are their holy books? The Gospels (story of Christ’s life), The New Testament (teachings about Jesus Christ), Old Testament. The Qur’an (Koran) – The word of God