Islamic Studies Courses in De Anza, Chabot, Ohlone, and Mission Colleges Designed and Taught by Hafiz M. K . Siddiqi, Ph.D. Second Major Source of Islam.


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Presentation transcript:

Islamic Studies Courses in De Anza, Chabot, Ohlone, and Mission Colleges Designed and Taught by Hafiz M. K . Siddiqi, Ph.D. Second Major Source of Islam Hadith or Sunnah The Tradition of Prophet Muhammad pbuh

Hadith Hadith, literal meaning: Communication, story, modern, recent, message, Qur’an, historical or worldly conversation, secret Use of the word Hadith in the Qur’an: Allah (God) has revealed the most beautiful message in the form of a book. 39/23 Then leave me alone with such as reject this Qur’an. 68/44

And whenever you see people engaged in vain discourse about our signs, turn away from them until they begin a different conversation. 6/68 Has the story of Moses reached you? 20/9 When the Prophet confined a secret to one of his wives. 66/3 The prophet pbuh has used the word Hadith in his sayings: He said: the best religious communication is the book of Allah (Bukhari)

Prophet Muhammad said: May God forgive a person who hears from us a Hadith, then he memorizes it, and conveys it to someone, for some recipient are more attentive than the one who heard it. (Ahmad) Term meaning of Hadith: Sayings, actions and approvals of Prophet Muhammad pbuh Sunnah, literal meaning: established course of rule, mode of life, and line of conduct.

Term meaning of Sunnah: Model behavior of Prophet Muhammad. Sunnah also means: non-compulsory religious practice which Prophet himself performed regularly, and instructed his followers to perform, like Sunnah prayers. Prophet’s status: 1. The expounder of the Holy Qur’an: “We have revealed unto you the message (Qur’an) that you may explain clearly to the humankind what is sent for them and that they may give thought”. 16/44, He did explain in words and actions the verses of Qur’an.

2. The Prophet as a Legislator “He will make lawful for them all good things and prohibit for them all indecent things and will relieve them of their burden and fetters which they used to wear” 7/157 3. A role Model for Muslims: “Verily, in the Messenger of Allah you have a beautiful model for anyone whose hope is in God and the Final Day and remembers God more frequently” 33/21

Three Essentials These three essentials combined in the person of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, lead to the inevitable conclusion that Muslims must follow him in every walk of their life. It is the case with all the prophets and messengers pbut, let us refer to:4/64, 3/32, 3/132, 4/80, 4/59,65, 59/7

The Methods of Teaching 1. Verbal: A. Prophet Muhammad pbuh, repeated himself 3 times to make the understanding and memorization easy, B. He used to listen to what his companions had learned C. He provided for them training in the Qur’an and Sunnah D. He used to ask questions to discover the extent of their learning.

Written Method 2. Written Method: 1. He sent letters to: A. Kings B. Rulers C. Leaders of tribes D. Muslim Governors 2. He gave dictation to his companions on: A. Daily important topics B. Answers to various questions C. Fulfilling a particular request of written guidelines by a delegation’s head or member 3. His order to write his Friday sermon for Abu Shah Yamani or Malik son of Huwayrath.

Teaching by Demonstration 1. He taught his companions: A. How to perform Wudu (Ablution) Salah (Prayers) and other important devotional deeds by practical demonstration B. He taught them how to design a marriage, employment, and business cotract C. He taught them how to perform the pilgrimage. He used to say to them:” learn by observing him.

The diffusion of the Sunnah Prophet Muhammad had taken measures to diffuse his Sunnah by: 1. Establishing Islamic Centers, Schools, and training Centers for the teachers and preachers. 2. He used to say whenever he taught any thing: “ Take from me to convey to others even if it is one (Little) thing”. 3. He said in his Farewell pilgrimage: “those who are present should convey the message to those who are absent”. (Bukhari).

4. He reminded the delegations on their departure to teach their people after returning home, as a duty 5. He created incentives for teachers and students. He stated that learning and the pursuit of knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim (Ibn Majah). He had said: He who conceals the knowledge is liable to go to hell (Ahmad) this fact is mentioned in the Qur’an in 2/159, 174.

A. Rewards for the Students: He said if anyone pursues a path in search of knowledge, Allah will thereby make easy for him a path to paradise, and the angels spread their wings from the good pleasure with one who seeks knowledge, and all the inhabitants of the heaven and earth, even fish in the depths of water ask forgiveness for him (Ahmad) B. Rewards for the teachers: He said: “When a person dies, his acts come to an end except for three things; 1. Sadaqah Jariyah 2. Beneficial knowledge 3. Pious offspring.

C. Threat of Punishment: Those who refused to educate themselves were told by the Qur’an: “Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we should not be among the companions of the blazing fire. 67/10 Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: the people will only be rewarded for the actions they have performed with full use of intellectual understanding.

How did the companions received the Sunnah? It was very warmly received by the companions of Prophet pbuh, it was practiced by them immediately. They had learned Hadith/Sunnah through all three following methods: 1.Memorization: They used to listen to every word with utmost importance. They attended the teaching circles of Qur’an and Sunnah in shifts and turn by turn. They used to memorize in group.

2. Learning through writing There were good number of companions who learned by writing the Hadith/Sunnah. 3. Practicing the Sunnah: they practiced what ever they learned through 2 methods mentioned above: memorization and writing. Islamic teachings are not merely for knowledge, but it has to be practiced. Ibn Umar learned Suratul Baqarah in 10 years.

Official Patronage In the lifetime of Prophet pbuh, he founded training centers for Qur’an and Hadith in both Makkah and Madinah. The Caliphs especially first four made sure that there are enough schools, institutions and training centers everywhere in the Muslim world. They also appointed inspectors to visit them and report back to Caliph.

Non-Official Patronage The companions of Prophet may be divided into two groups: 1. Joined these Institutions as teachers 2. Became source individuals ready to travel anywhere as and when required to teach short term courses or give lectures and seminars. As a result, Islam reached within 25 years of the death of Prophet to as far as Russia and Afghanistan.

Famous Narrators of Hadith who used to spend 1/3rd of night in recording the Hadith Abu Huraira 1236,Ibn ‘Umar 2630, Ibn Malik 2286, Ayesh 2210, Ibn ‘Abbas1660, J. Ibn Abdullah 1540, A.S. Al-Khudary 1170, Ibn Masood 748, A.A. Ibn ‘As 700, ‘Umar Farooq 537, Ali Ibn Abi Talib 536,Ibn ‘Azib 305

Six Most Authentic Books 1. Bukhari 2. Muslim 3. Tirmidhi 4. Abu Dawud 5. Ibn Majah 6.Nasa’I Hadith: Sanad/Isnad, Matn, Darajah

Classification of Hadith Qudsi: Gods message in Prophets words Mutawatir: Continuously narrated by a large number of people Sahih: Most authentic with perfect chain of Narrators reaching the Prophet Muttasil: Re ported by successive narrators Daeef: Weak due to defective Isnad

Examination of Hadith There are basic rules, regulations and principles for scrutinizing the Hadith: The following were rejected: 1. Illogical 2. Contrary to Islamic principles 3. Contrary to the realities 4. Contrary to Qur’an 5. Contrary to Mutawatir Hadith 6. Contrary to consensus 7. like a fairy tale and many more.

Sample Hadith and true stories Story of Huququl-’Ibad Story of a youth’s question Story of 3 travelers Story of trial of three people and many more.