The World of Islam Chapter 3 Section 1 Pages 89-95
World of Islam
The Founding of Islam Prophet Muhammad ( Mohammed ) Muhammad was sought out and began to have visions from Allah (Arabic name for God) Through the angel Gabriel Allah transmitted the entire Quran (Koran) to Muhammad
When Muhammad began to preach his new religion he was strongly opposed by the rulers of Makkah (Mecca) In 622 was asked to come and rule Madinah (Medina), accepted when they agreed he was the Prophet and he could bring his followers, this became known as the hijra Year 1 of the Islamic Calendar starts with the hijra in 622. The rulers of Makkah continued to harass Muhammad and his followers finally in 630 Muhammad defeated the leaders of Makkah and he ruled it too Muhammad dies in 632
Facts about Islam Quran word of Allah, transmitted to Muhammad from 610 till his death in 632, the angel taught it sura by sura to Muhammad
The Quran is always written in Arabic, Arabic is read the opposite Of English. It is read right to left.
Hadith: Collected stories and sayings of and about the Prophet Muhammad, not to be confused with the Quran.
The Five Pillars of Islam Shahadah the Muslim statement of Faith, say it with the intent Of becoming a Muslim and one is a Muslim “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet”
Prayer or salat, five times a day. The prayer comes at designated Times, one can pray where ever they are or in the Mosque A Muslim always prays towards Makkah
Almsgiving or zakat, obligatory poor tax.
Fasting or sawm, all healthy and sane Muslims are expected to abstain from eating, drinking,smoking or other bodily pleasures during daylight hours of the Islamic month of Ramadan
Pilgrimage or Hajj, all Muslims that can afford it and are in good health are expected to travel to Makkah and pray at the Kaba, at least once in their life time.
Jihad: There are two types of Jihad. The Lesser Jihad is the expectation that Moslems will defend their homeland and Islam from attack. The Greater Jihad is the inner battle which Moslems continually fight within themselves to submit to Allah and to fulfill his expectations of humans. To most Westerners a jihad is a Holy War
The three Holy Cities of Islam MakkahMadinah Jerusalem
Islamic Sects Sunni Islam: Larger Branch of Islam some 80% to 85% The Sunni’s believe that Muhammad did not appoint a successor, thus the Muslims must appoint one themselves, this led the the establishment of the position of Caliphate. This position took over Muhammad’s Worldly powers but was NOT a spiritual successor.
Shiite Islam: Smaller Sect of Islam about 15% Shiite’s believe that Muhammad appointed a successor. This successor was to be of Muhammad’s blood line and was to take both Muhammad’s Worldly Powers and his Spiritual Powers. They would be known as Imam or Ayatollah.
Islamic Empires and the West Arab Empires: Palestine: Holy Lands Iberian Peninsula France: Battle of Tours 732 Byzantine Empire Issues: Controlled Trade Routes, Holy Lands, threatened to conquer Europe itself. Save ideas (Greeks and Romans), advanced Civilization, i.e. zero, algebra…
Seljuk Turks Threaten Byzantine Empire Crusades; reawakening of Europe The Mongols
The Ottoman Turks Byzantine Empire: All trade routes to the East Constantinople falls in1453 Battle of Lapanto 1571 off Western Greece Holy League vs. Turks "Sempiternal Enemy of the Christian". Last battle in World history between solely rowing ships. Stopped the Navel threat to the Western Mediterranean Siege of Vienna 1529 Ottoman Empires high water mark Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.