Abraham’s Genealogy ABRAHAM SARAH HAGARHAGAR Isaac Esau Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel IshmaelIshmael 12 Arabian Tribes
Arab Life Descendants of Semitic tribes Bedouins: Arabic nomads Shiekh – leader of each tribe Raided neighboring tribes to gain livestock, land, etc. Believed in retaliation: “ eye for an eye…” Makkah (Mecca): most important Arabic town Religious and economic center Times of Change Adoption of monotheism (Judaism/Christianity) Islam: “submission to the will of Allah (God)”
Muhammad Was troubled by the corruptness of leaders Fasted in order to seek answers His Revelation Fled Makkah (hijrah); went to Yathrib (622) Decreed that all Muslims be loyal to the Muslim community Quran: the divine law given by the angel Gabriel to Muhammad Two achievements of Muhammad Religious community based on holy writings Set the example of life for Muslims to follow
THE PROPHETIC TRADITION AdamNoahAbrahamMosesJesusMuhammad
Beliefs and Practices The Quran: God’s message to Muhammad Written 20 years after Muhammad’s death Values Honor parents, show kindness, protect orphans and widows, and give generously The Five Pillars of Islam Faith: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.” Prayer: 5 times a day Alms: giving to charity Fasting: during the month of Ramadan Pilgrimage: to Makkah; once during life
The Qur’an Muslims believe it contains the word of God. 114 suras (chapters). In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful. Written in Arabic.
Spread of Islam Caliphs: successors after Muhammad died Sought to protect and spread Islam Early Conquests: Converted the Persians, reduced the Byzantines 650 – included Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Persia, Egypt Divisions within Islam Husayn and Ali were assassinated Sunnis: majority of pop. – anyone could be caliph Shiites: minority of pop. – only Muhammad’s descendants could be caliph
Other Islamic Religious Practices No alcohol or pork. No gambling. Sharia body of Islamic law to regulate daily living. Three holiest cities in Islam: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.
Family Life Role of Women: Forbade the custom of killing female infants Limited polygamy (maximum of four wives) Had control of personal property Made contributions to the arts Role of Men: Obligated to politics and military Visited public forums for various activities Entered school at the age of seven Upper-class boys could pursue a theological degree
Islamic Achievements Mathematics: Developed algebra; expanded trigonometry Astronomy and Geography: Physical and Mathematical models of universe Concluded that the Earth was round Chemistry and Medicine: Al-Razi: described the origin of disease Art: Calligraphy writing Literature: Kalila and Dimna (a collection of animal fables) Philosophy and History: Religious truths could be analyzed & defended w/ logic