Who Is Muhammad and What Did He Teach? -Muhammad was a religious and political leader. To other people, he was thought as the messenger and prophet of God. -He taught and inspired a religion called Islam, people still have this religion today.
How Was His Life Like? Muhammad was born about the year 570. His father, died almost six months before Muhammad was born. He stayed with his foster parents but later they died and he was an orphan. He also had a wife that was about 15 years older than him. He was said to die of old age, on his Wife’s lap in her house.
The Beginning of His Career When he first started trying to convince people, they didn’t believe him. They all thought he was a joke, and even some people wanted to even murder him. So, he went somewhere else where he would have better luck. That place was Mecca, he actually started gaining followers then. The rulers started to worry that he would be ruler so they planned to kill him, it didn’t work.
Conflict With Mecca Now, since he gained followers people in Mecca wanted to avenge their defeat. At night, they sent ambush parties to Medina while Muhammad was not there. They destroyed their crops too. They thought they had won, because there was a rumor that Muhammad was wounded and dead. But he wasn’t. So, he led his army to attack winning.
Islam Islam’s symbol is a moon and a star. They only have one god which Is Allah. Their holy book is the Quran which is based on Muhammad’s Teachings. If muslims have the money, it is required that they visit Mecca atleast once in their life and pray, on a daily schedule they praye 5 times a day.