Followers of the religion of Islam.
Mohammed: the Arab prophet who, according to Islam, was the last messenger of Allah ( ). Mohammed is revered by Muslims and any image of the prophet is considered blasphemy.
The name of God among Muslims (and Arab Christians)
The sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina. Not written down by Muhammad Muslims believe the Qu’ran is the actual word of God (Allah) (word for word).
Mecca: A city of western Saudi Arabia near the coast of the Red Sea. The birthplace of Muhammad, it is the holiest city of Islam and a pilgrimage site for all devout believers of the faith. Population: 1,290,000 Medina: A city of western Saudi Arabia north of Mecca. The Mosque of the Prophet, containing Muhammad's tomb, is a holy site for Muslim pilgrims. Population: 918,000
Five duties incumbent on every Muslim. The first is the profession of faith in the one God and in Muhammad as his Prophet. The others are prayer five times a day, the giving of alms to the poor, fasting during the month of Ramadan, and the hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca.
1. (among Muslims) A war or struggle against unbelievers. 2. The spiritual struggle within oneself against sin.
Sunni and Shia Islam are the two major denominations of Islam. Groups have arguments with each other. The current conflict in Syria revolves around Sunni/Shia differences.
1 : the prayer leader of a mosque 2 : a Muslim leader of the line of Ali held by Shiites to be the divinely appointed, sinless, infallible successors of Muhammad 3 : any of various rulers that claim descent from Muhammad and exercise spiritual and temporal leadership over a Muslim region