AP World History Mid-term Review Chapters 1-18
The changes in male-female relationships, development of complex social patterns, permanent human settlements, an increase in population size, & an increase in life expectancy are all results of what?
The Indian caste system served to an extent as a political institution by enforcing?
Who did the Senate of republican Rome represent?
What culture/society was most significant in shaping the development of Islam?
What group stressed extremely conservative Islamic view and were suspicious of scientific inquiry?
What was the most important Christian kingdom in Africa?
Who conquered Kievian Russia after 1236?
What area remained relatively separate from the Old World during the Post-Classical period?
The Aztecs required what two things from subjugated territories in order to be left alone?
The rebuilding of the imperial bureaucracy using Confucian ideology revived what empire?
What was the impact of the samurai on the peasantry in Japan?
The Mongols epitomized what type of society and culture?
What did Renaissance culture focus on?
What British institution ruled India for most of the 18 th century?
What aspect of the Columbian Exchange affected the indigenous population the most?
Who formed the Anglican church?
What autocratic czar attacked the authority of the boyars?
Who was the next powerful ruler in Russia after Peter the Great?
What accounted for governments becoming more formal & bureaucratic?
Who brought distinctive religious beliefs to India during it’s pre-classical period?
Who fought in the Punic Wars?
What civilization practiced isolationism for most of its existence?
What was the three field system replaced with?
The spread of Buddhism to China from India is an example of what?
What religion believes in the caste system?
Who viewed Muhammad’s new faith as a threat?
What groups in India were mostly likely to convert to Islam?
Who were the advisors to the king that mastered oral traditions of the Malinke?
Relationships between members of the military elite based on reciprocal exchange of land for military service & loyalty is called?
The state appointments of bishops is called?
What was seen as a direct continuation of the Roman Empire?
Where did the center of population and political power shift to after the sack of Tula in Mexico?
All political power going to the eldest male heir and the wealth going to the other male descendants is called?
What was the title reserved for those who passed the exams on Chinese literature?
Who re-established the Silk Roads and facilitated trans-Eurasian trade?
Writing systems, development of city-states, political units capable of ruling larger units, & specialization of labor are all aspects of?
What group of people resisted Chinese sinification due to class and gender barriers?
What was China’s key economic strength during the Classical period?
What tended to weaken the Bedouin in comparison to their neighbors?
African societies organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of political power and authority are referred to as?
What Russian czar’s economic policy was to avoid the need to import military armaments?
What religious group believed in predestination?
Who advocated that governments should avoid regulation in favor of the operation of individual initiative & market forces?
Who believed that while there may be a divinity, its role was only to set natural laws in motion?
What movement focused on Humanism?
What is the policy that promoted the internal economy of a nation in order to improve tax revenues and limit imports from other nations?
Under who’s rule did the princes of Moscow became the heads of the Orthodox Church and were required to pay tribute?
The division of Japan into three hundred little states under the power of the daimyos destroyed what groups power?
Why did the Chinese use foot-binding?
What social structure gives government officials priviledges?
What fraction of Muslims recognize Ali and the ancestors Muhammad as the rightful caliphs?
The diffusion of iron metallurgy in sub-Saharan Africa is due to the migrations of what people?
What was the period following the death of Ivan IV called?
Huge state sponsored trading expeditions throughout Asia and beyond was launched by what Chinese dynasty?
What two countries formed chartered trading companies in India?
Why did Spain fail to hold its position of world dominance?
Coercive labor and cultivation of cash crops made what North American/Atlantic colonies?
What was the last ruling czar/dynasty of Russia?